
سچا ڪوڙا رشتا

”سچا ڪوڙا رشتا “ نامياري ليکڪ ۽ ڪهاڻيڪار منظور ڪوهيار جي ڪهاڻين جو مجموعو آهي.
افساني جي خمير ۾ ڏاڏي آدم جي حقيقت نگاري بدرجه اتم موجود ٿئي ٿي.پر ساڳئي وقت حوا واري رومانويت به کيس حقيقي حسن بخشي ٿي. ڪلاسيڪل افساني جي اها صورت اسان کي منظور ڪوهيار جي افسانن ۾ با ضابطه طور تي نظر اچي ٿي.
Title Cover of book سچا ڪوڙا رشتا

1.6 A writer of an individual identity

A writer retains individuality, when he adopts his own style and idiom in his writings. Manzoor Kohyar is among such writers who have maintained their individual identity in diction and style in short stories.
Manzoor Kohyar has dexterously delineated a panorama of different dimensions of human behavior in simple essay to understand form of writing. He hurls a satire on queer characters without provocation. That is also an apt art of the writer to expose condemnable crimes of the criminals in covert words.
In little story “Sacha koora rishta” (The so called relations) he reveals rapacity of blood relations, brothers and sisters who became bitter and brawl at the property bequeathed by their bachelor brother.
In “Radi kitabcho” (Useless booklet) the writer berates a braggart and short-sighted literature who remains in a shallow shell of self glorification and does not acknowledge ability and scholarships of others. In “Biti saza” (Dual punishment) he delineates courtly characters of jaded judges who punish the people to please their patrons and dictators.
In “Shahar andho thi wayo” (the city gone upside-down) he depicts deplorable apathy and insensitivity of modern man who appears indifferent to the suffering of the humble souls.
In “Mal-e-Ganimat” booty) the writer has drawn discerned delineation of the plight of a helpless widow and her daughters, who like dreaded dears, were attacked unawares by their relatives as if they were voracious wild wolves prompted by bestial lust. It indicates disappearance of worthy values of saving sanctity of woman in villages by villagers who were once known by their rectitude and respect for woman.
In “Sadh” (An upright-man) the writer depicts duplicity of the people who do not let a person lead a peaceful life when he quits crimes, but start persecuting him persistently.
In “The flag of honour” the writer narrates negative role of sponsors, teachers and leaders who exploit and abuse enthusiastic handsome youth that disheartens and dampens the spirit of the budding youth.
In “Dughran man, phathal zindagi” (Lives smarting under sufferings) Mr. Kohyar portrays the persecution of the police inflicted upon the innocent people whose where withal are often snatched by the police. As the police use dacoit-factor as an alibi to exact money from the villagers.
In “Jagirdar zehan” (Feudal mind-set) he depicts true colors of aristocrats who maintain their myopic mindset even in mingling with modest mystics.
In “Degree yafta gadah” (degree holder donkey) he likens an idiot scholar with an ass, who does not demonstrate discernment, sober sagacity and erudition, but acts stupidly like a dunce decorated with degrees.
In brief, Mr. Manzoor Kohyar’s both short and short-short stories will provide penetrative perceptions to readers to see human behavior through the prism of his pen.
He deserves his laudation for his short-short stories which are pregnant with meaningful message for readers who will conform to Coleridge are this point of view.
“A dwarfish whole, its body brevity and wit its soul”

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