ڇپيل نسخي بابت ڄاڻ
سال: ۱۹۷۳ع
ڪاپيون: ۱۰۰۰
Title: Pahakan ji Paboha
Compiler: Tirathdas Pessumal Hathiramani
Printer: Pitamberdas Sahijram.
Press: Kothari Printer Works
Place of Publication: Bombay.
Year of Publication: 1973
Edition: 1st
Pages: 236
Price: Rs. 4-00
Series: Literature
Subject: Proverbs.
Total Pages: 240
اي ڇاپو؛ جولاءِ ۲۰۱۶ع
المنعم لائبرري لاڙڪاڻو