
منهنجـا معصوم سڄڻ

هي ڪتاب ھند جي نامياري ليکڪا وينا شرنگي جي مونولاگ جي صورت ۾ لکيل ناول (يادن جو مجموعو) آھي. ھوءَ لکي ٿي:
''منهنجا معصوم سڄڻ'' هي ڪا صرف منهنجي نه پر سڄڻ تنهنجي زندگي آ.... منهنجي زندگي آ.... اسان سڀني جي زندگي سمايل آ.... '' منهنجا معصوم سڄڻ '' ڪنهن هڪ وينا يا وشال جي داستان نه آهي، پر اِنساني زندگيءَ جا اَلڳ اَلڳ روپ آهن. ''منهنجا معصوم سڄڻ'' ڪهڙي وينا جو اِظهار آهي اُن کان ناواقف آهيان جا مون کان منهنجو وجود ڦُري رهي آهي.
  • 4.5/5.0
  • 2082
  • 866
  • آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ٿيو:
  • وينا شرنگي
  • ڇاپو پھريون
Title Cover of book منهنجـا معصوم سڄڻ

“Sangat” quarterly by (SANA)

“Sangat” quarterly by (SANA)
( Sindhi Association of North America )
Keyan Visaryan Verichan
Author - Veena Shringi

This is a 125 pages book written by a well known All India Sindhi Program Radio Announcer. Her language is everyday Sindhi used in Sind and does not contain Hindi or Sanskrit words usually in abundance in books written by Indian Sindhi writers. The book is about the events, experiences and accomplishments of the author who grew up in Shadadkoat, district Larkana in Sind. Her book has introduced a new and novel writing style which would undoubtedly command a distinguished place in Sindhi literature. She has written about life in the background of Hindu-Muslim common heritage, Simple lifestyle of Sindhis, combined family system, pure sentiments of Sindhi women, etc. Overall, this is a very good book and is recommended for reading by everybody.


Veena is proud of the Sindhi culture which dates back to Mohanjodaro. According to her, Sindhis in India have been scattered all over the country. Veena feels discouraged the way Sindhi literature gets a poor response from Sindhis in New Delhi. With opportunities being very few, most Sindhi writers are sitting at home and appreciating their own works. She feels amazed the way Sindhi culture is prospering in a Pakistan, where people are very conscious of preserving Sindhi language and culture.