مختلف موضوع

سنڌي ٻولي ۽ ثقافت

ھيءُ ڪتاب چئن حصن ۾ ورھايل آھي پھرئين حصي ۾ ٻوليءَ جي ترقيءَ ۾ رنڊڪن، سنڌي ٻوليءَ جي مونجھارن ۽ ان جي حل، ڪجھه ادارن مان سنڌي مضمون جي نيڪاليءَ ۽ سنڌي شعبن جي نه کولڻ بابت مضمون شامل آھن. ٻئي حصي ۾ جاکوڙ جي نتيجي ۾ مليل ڪاميابين تي لکيل مضمون شامل آھن. ڪتاب جي ٽئين حصي ۾ سنڌي ثقافت، ڪتبخانن، ريڊيي بابت دلچسپ مضمون، الطاف شيخ بابت ڪيل پي ايڇ_ ڊي تحقيق بابت، پي ٽي وي جي پروگرام ڪچھريءَ بابت مضمون، سنڌ مدرسي کي شاھ جي ڏينھن ملھائڻ بابت ۽ ڪجهه ٻيا مضمون شامل آھن. ڪتاب جو چوٿو حصو انگريزي لکڻين تي ٻڌل آھي.
Title Cover of book سنڌي ٻولي ۽ ثقافت

My research and academic performance in 2018

1) Worked few months as a Dean Facalty of Languages,Federal Urdu university.
2) Published 2 research oriented books in Sindhi and Urdu.
3) Published 2 research papers in HEC recognized journal
4) Taken classes of M.A and Ph. D regularly.
5) 05 Ph. D and 01 M. Phil students submitted their thesis under my supervision.
6) Taken charge as Head of Sindhi department,FUUAST in September 2018.
7) Conducted written test and Interviews of 35 M. Phil Students along with departmental committee.
8) Supervised semester examination of B.S, M.A and Ph. D
9) Organized 2 seminars on Shah Latif and Sindhi Culture day
10) Arranged 2 academic seminars of M. Phil / Ph. D students.
11) Edited one issue of research journal Karoonjhar (December, 2018 )
12) Attended & delivered speech/paper in 10 seminars /conferences
13) Written 10 small articles in different newspapers and magazines.
14) Attended various official meetings
15) Participated in more than 50 tv programs as a guest and host.
16) Received 4 awards.