مختلف موضوع

سنڌي ٻولي ۽ ثقافت

ھيءُ ڪتاب چئن حصن ۾ ورھايل آھي پھرئين حصي ۾ ٻوليءَ جي ترقيءَ ۾ رنڊڪن، سنڌي ٻوليءَ جي مونجھارن ۽ ان جي حل، ڪجھه ادارن مان سنڌي مضمون جي نيڪاليءَ ۽ سنڌي شعبن جي نه کولڻ بابت مضمون شامل آھن. ٻئي حصي ۾ جاکوڙ جي نتيجي ۾ مليل ڪاميابين تي لکيل مضمون شامل آھن. ڪتاب جي ٽئين حصي ۾ سنڌي ثقافت، ڪتبخانن، ريڊيي بابت دلچسپ مضمون، الطاف شيخ بابت ڪيل پي ايڇ_ ڊي تحقيق بابت، پي ٽي وي جي پروگرام ڪچھريءَ بابت مضمون، سنڌ مدرسي کي شاھ جي ڏينھن ملھائڻ بابت ۽ ڪجهه ٻيا مضمون شامل آھن. ڪتاب جو چوٿو حصو انگريزي لکڻين تي ٻڌل آھي.
Title Cover of book سنڌي ٻولي ۽ ثقافت

Demand to start Sindhi subject on Intermediate level

The Director
Aga Khan University Education Board

Subject: Demand to start Sindhi subject on Intermediate level

Dear Sir/Madam,

I highly appreciate the services of Aga Khan Board towards quality education.
Two of my children (Surhan and Mehran) have given their Matriculation exams from the Aga Khan Board. The only reason I admitted my children in the Matric system and not the Cambridge system (O/A Level) was because I wanted them to study Sindhi Subjecat. However they were not taught Sindhi as a subject because their schools (The Mama Parsi Girls’ School and BVS Parsi School Karachi) did not cooperate.
After Matriculation, I admitted my daughter in Habib Girls College but withdrew her within 2 months when I discovered that the Aga Khan board doesn't offer Sindhi subject at Intermediate level. I also wanted my children to study Sindhi Subject at Intermediate level, but since the board doesn’t offer the subject, I had to move both of my children to government boards.

I therefore request the Board to introduce Sindhi as a subject at Intermediate level also because like me, almost all of the Sindhi-speaking population of Karachi, Hyderabad and other cities would like that their children are taught Sindhi as a compulsory subject.
I think it's the responsibility of the Aga Khan Board, as an advocate for good and fair education, to also include Sindhi as a subject at Intermediate level to help students create and enhance feelings of culture and language ownership and make them aware of the responsibilities they have, as ones with the privilege of education, towards their culture and their people. This will also help bring students, who are the future of this nation, closer to the people and the country they're living in because at the end of the day a person is nothing if they're not true and close to their culture and language and have a good knowledge of it too.
It is well-known that Sindhi is the official language of the province of Sindh because of its historical background and richness, so all institutions of Sindh should realise their responsibility to promote the language, literature and culture.
I hope you will consider our demand.

Dr. Kamal Jamro

Email: dr.kamaljamro@gmail.com
Cell no. 03012399345