مختلف موضوع

نـفسيات ۽ زنـدگي

محترم انور احمد قاضيءَ جو نفسيات جي موضوع تي سنڌي ٻوليءَ ۾ لکيل هي پھريون مختصر مگر جامع طبعزاد ڪتاب آهي. جنهن ۾ نہ رڳو ”علم نفسيات“ جي خاص اصطلاحن ۽ اصولن کي سولي ۽ عام فھم سنڌيءَ ۾ سمجهايو ويو آهي پر زير بحث موضوعن جو عملي زندگي تي ڪھڙو (سٺو يا خراب) اثر پوي ٿو ڪھڙا مسئلا، مونجهارا ۽ مريض پيدا ٿين ٿا ۽ انھن کي ڪھڙيءَ ريت مُنھن ڏجي، ان بابت پڻ گهڻي ڄاڻ ملي ٿي. ان لحاظ سان، سنڌي ٻوليءَ ۾ عملي يا اطلاقي (Applied) نفسيات بابت هيءَ ابتدائي تصنيف ۽ تحرير آهي جيڪا پڪِ ئي پڪ اهلِ علم وٽ اهم ۽ مانائتي جاءِ ماڻيندي. 

Title Cover of book نـفسيات ۽ زنـدگي


Government of Pakistan
Ministry Fuel Power & Natural
Resources, “Islam Villa” Muree
June 24, 1960

I am very glad to know that a Psychological magazine is being brought out in Sindhi from Nawabshah. Psychology has come to be known in Modern times as very important branch of science as it deals with day-to-day behaviour of the human beings. Psychology also tremendously helps in building up the character of an individual right from his birth and as such it is of paramount importance that various researches in the field of psychology should be mad known to the largest number of people in a society.
It is also a matter of great satisfaction to me that this magazine is being published in the Sindhi language. In this manner it will not only assist in the cultivation and enrichment of the Sindhi language but will also enable the People of this region in fully reaping the benefits of the experience by masters of psychology in foreign countries.
I wish this paper all success.

(Zulfikar Ali Bhutto)
Minister for Fuel, Power and Natural Resources.