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اَڻ توريو اَگهائيو

ڪتاب ”اڻ توريو اگھايو“ اوهان اڳيان پيش آهي. هي ڪتاب استاد ارشاد احمد ڀٽو جي شخصيت بحيثيت مُعلم ۽ انسان دوست مُنتظم ۽ تعليم جي ذريعي هڪ سماج سُڌارڪ طور سندس ارپيل خدمتن تي لکيل مضمونن جو مجموعو آهي جنهن جو سهيڙيندڙ اويس ڀٽو آهي.
  • 4.5/5.0
  • 2222
  • 514
  • آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ٿيو:
  • اويس ڀٽو
  • ڇاپو پھريون
Title Cover of book اَڻ توريو اَگهائيو

A Loving Father, Great Mentor & Trustworthy Friend

Having an honest, loyal and trust friend whom you know since childhood is a blessing from Allah Subhan-o-talla. Mr. Irshad Ahmed Bhutto is that blessing for me from primary school.
Irshad Ahmed’s life inspires me as He acquires a very fine nature with abilities that brings a great human being out of him.
I have seen many of his students securing a very bright future, in terms of being a good citizen and acquiring successful career under his kind mentorship. I must say! His honesty with his area of work is remarkable.
I also see a great contribution of Irshad Ahmed in my life which ultimately makes me who am I?
He is loving father, a great mentor a trustworthy friend and above all a beautiful human being.
My love and prayers are always with you Irshad!!!

M. Saleh Bhutto
Director, KDA