شخصيتون ۽ خاڪا

اَڻ توريو اَگهائيو

ڪتاب ”اڻ توريو اگھايو“ اوهان اڳيان پيش آهي. هي ڪتاب استاد ارشاد احمد ڀٽو جي شخصيت بحيثيت مُعلم ۽ انسان دوست مُنتظم ۽ تعليم جي ذريعي هڪ سماج سُڌارڪ طور سندس ارپيل خدمتن تي لکيل مضمونن جو مجموعو آهي جنهن جو سهيڙيندڙ اويس ڀٽو آهي.
  • 4.5/5.0
  • 2222
  • 514
  • آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ٿيو:
  • اويس ڀٽو
  • ڇاپو پھريون
Title Cover of book اَڻ توريو اَگهائيو



It is truly said: “Parents are a gift from Almighty Allah and there is no replacement. I used to be with my father all the times. So, and so that his friends would say that wherever you go, your youngest son is always with you. Be it mosque or the school, and he, my father used to reply with a smile and say Yeah! He is with me wherever I go. I learnt a lot from that habit of mine. Such as how to greet others and how to behave with others. I also learnt much etiquettes, manners, social and moral ethics. I even learnt to respect others. No doubt, whatever I learnt from my father, those things became beneficial for me in my life. I do not have enough words to express my feelings about my father and the way he maintained me and my childhood with great efficiency and kind behaviour. My father always used to instruct me about offering my prayers (Salah), reciting Holy Quran, moral character and education as well. My father not only taught me how to become a successful person in life, but he also taught me the right path of religion.
I am extremely thankful to my elder brother, Mr Awais Bhutto, who has given me an opportunity to express my feelings about my father. To conclude, I would pray that may Allah Almighty bestows countless blessings to my father. (Ameen)
It is exposed moral:
If you take good care of a young child, he will be in a better place, whenever a good nation can take its existence of similar stretching.

Pir Bux Bhutto
Student of Class :IX