A Brain of Sindh
Translated by:
Prof: Badar- u - Din Ujan
Politics has always remained a game for wealthy people. Prior to the emergence of Shaikh Abdul Majeed, it was beyond the reach of a common man or a scholar to enter the field of politics.
The well to do people: Mirs, Pirs: Sardars, Landlords, Advocates etc. have formed coteries of their own to enjoy the fruits of their flattery among themselves. With a limited purpose to please the superior officers, to torture their opponents and to enslave the poor folk, through false show and dignity. Under such circumstances, a poor fellow could not dare to appear to be antagonist.
Shaikh Abdul Majeed was the first man, who broke the iron doors of this fort, through he was empty handed. He was born in a mediocre family of Lila ram, his father, who belonged to Thatta. It was out of his self learning process, through and intuition that he embraced Islam at an earlier stage and started ‘National Service’. He joined the friendly circle of Raees Ghulam Muhammed Bhurgri, who believed in progressive politics and freedom; he detested Bureaucracy though he was a landlord. Raees Bhurgri started a newspaper ‘Al-Amin’ and he appointed Shaikh Abdul Majeed as its Editor. The other friends of Mr. Bhurgri were prominent persons namely Jairamdas Daulatram, Jethmal Persram, Diwan Santdas Mangharam, and Mr. Abdul Jabbar. Perhaps it was ‘Khilafat Movement’ which paved the way for testing talents of Shaikh Abdul Majeed.
Through this, my purpose is not to present a complete biography of Shaikh Saheb, which needs research and much labour. I want to relate only those incidents which have left a permanent and lasting impression on my mind. (This principle I have applied an all the persons present in this book, irrespective of Shaikh Saheb).
I know Shaikh Saheb from 1924, leaving behind his earlier period of life. His actions and activities has always remained a subject of my study, though I have not joined his group. At present when the story of life of both of us is about to come to an end, the picture is complete and is revolving in my mind.
As for as my assessment is concerned, the political life of Shaikh Saheb had some special purposes for example:
1. Freedom of India (After 1938 & that of Pakistan)
2. Supremacy of Islam and Muslims
3. Betterment of Sindh
Those were the great purposes before Shaikh Saheb. It was no doubt a miracle, that being a poor fellow of Sindh, “Having nothing, yet he hath all.” It was his greatness of head and heart and of character that he was successful in snatching the golden dish of politics from powerful mastodons.
Shaikh Saheb had nothing except a firm determination, a brain and a ‘gift of the job.’ He faced empty handed, Hindus, Britishers and their agents, Sardars, Wealthy people and the so-called politicians, with result that his faith became firm and he held head always erect. He got the benefit, out of the internal rivalries of waderas; otherwise it was beyond the reach of Shaikh Saheb to attain such position. This political game he kept within the precincts of morals. Due to difference among the political waderas of Thatta (previously Karachi district) Shaikh Saheb sides with one group and got the seat of Bombay (Mumbai) Council from them. Similarly, he defeated Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto in Larkana and got himself elected in Sindh Assembly. Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto quitted politics after this and he took a government job in Mumbai. Where there was no such political rivalry, Shaikh Saheb always lost the game. From this it was presumed that the people of Sindh never supported and appreciated the talents, the sacrifices and services of Shaikh Saheb. Once he became minister for one year, though he was well- educated and was fit for a higher post. Many mediocre people became ministers but Shaikh Saheb deprived of them. Shaikh Saheb had global knowledge; he can speak and opine at the problems of all India, he could have been a politician of world fame, but he was a poor man, he belonged to poor province of Sindh, that is why, he was neglected and the pearl remained hidden under the dust of ignorance.
Shaikh Saheb was put behind the bars by the Britishers in the beginning and in later years of his life by a Muslim ruler of Pakistan (Ayub Khan). Britishers could not be blamed, but it was indecent on the part of Muslim Leaguers to behave in this way, because he was one of the pioneers of Pakistan. It was he, who prepared and put forward the Pakistan Resolution in the Conference of Muslim League held at Karachi in 1938. The resolution contained the sovereignty and separate national status for Muslims and separate homeland for them. It was the first of its kind hitherto ever drafted and passed anywhere else.
The great contributions of Shaikh Saheb were his enormous editorials and articles published in ‘Al Waheed’ with which he was attached. This daily was founded by Seth Abdullah Haroon. But later on its entire responsibilities were kept on the shoulders of Shaikh Saheb and he managed to run it through public aids and contribution. Till 1954, Shaikh Saheb remained a dominating figure in Sindh. (Al Waheed was forcibly closed by the then Pakistan Government and thus, it could not emerge again).
Shaikh Saheb used to write long dissertations for the betterment and upliftment of Muslims of Sindh. But the then ruling junta paid deaf ear to his plans. His way of writing was more political but less literary. His entire writing is lost along with Al Waheed. If a research scholar takes trouble to collect the writings of Shaikh Sindhi and bring it in a book form, the history and politics of Sindh as well as Hind will re-emerge. But who will do it? A devotee can do it. I can’t find such a man nowadays.
Once, Shaikh Saheb was elected as president of All India Khilafat Committee (Moulana Shaukat Ali was its Secretary), it was due to his popularity in politics of India. Through his efforts, all India Parties Conference was held, in which constitutional proposals were framed for India. Shaikh Sahib’s presence in Indian politics benefited Sindh and thus he paved the way for its separation from Bombay which culminated in separation of Sindh.
During ‘Khilafat Movement’ Shaikh Saheb worked with Haji Abdullah Haroon, but later on they parted. Shaikh Saheb brought ‘Al Waheed’ under his direct control and thus they became political rivals.
I got the opportunity of traveling away from Sindh with Shaikh Saheb. In 1941, annual session of All India Muslim League was held in Madras. Both of us traveled together in train. Shaikh Saheb related many incidents and experiences, but Alas! I forget many of them.
In 1945, for the second time, I traveled with Shaikh Saheb, along with G.M.Syed, who was a member of Quaid-e Azam’s Working Committee; we accompanied G.M.Syed and went to Simla to meet Indian Viceroy Wavell.
In 1936 when the movement of Muslim League restarted, Quaid-e-Azam nominated Shaikh Saheb on its Working Committee. But later on when well to do people joined Muslim League, Shaikh Saheb was replaced by Haji Abdullah Haroon, who possessed much wealth, but Shaikh Saheb was owner of tongue and talent, which were considered less important in politics.
As for as personal life of Shaikh Saheb is concerned, he was simple, plain and thoughtful. He used to wear white shalwar and kamees, sometimes Sherwani over them, black cap and English cut shoes. He had short beards. He had a bag in hand which was always full of many papers and documents. He used to sit in wooden cell of Al-Waheed and supplied articles to compositors. That small room seemed simple, but Shaikh Sahib’s thinking was very high.
Shaikh Saheb is nearly ninety years old (This article was written when he was alive). He has left politics, he has grown weak, and he is under the grip of forgetfulness. One day a news shocked me, which ream that Shaikh Saheb is Lost’, it happened that he went to mosque for prayer, on return he forgot his way home and thus reached ‘Gora Qubrustan’, he remained there till evening. Some one recognized him and thus he was brought home’.
Shaikh Sahib’s place would have been in United Nations, after the partition of India, as a Permanent Representative. If this would have been possible, Shaikh Saheb might have astonished the world body with his wit and knowledge of global politics. Some people possess such insight.
“Sasui, thought present in Bhambhore, is meek and mum”
Here I will tell you an example of Shaikh Saheb’s insight on international politics:
1939. The Second World War started. Hitler, who was against Communism, treacherously signed no war pact with Russia, under this treaty Russia and Germany decided to divide Poland among them. Thus Hitler declared war with France and England.
After the declaration of war, political parties of India, mainly Congress under the direction of Gandhi, arrived at an immature decision and declared that Britishers should quit India, and hand over it to Congress. This was the assumption of Congress that Hitler will defeat England and France. But it was their immature thinking.
Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who was cool minded and farsighted man, called upon Muslim league to form a policy according to the prevalent circumstances. The meeting of Central Executive was called in Delhi. Shaikh Saheb, Haji Abdullah Haroon lodged in Marina Hotel, Delhi, whereas Shaikh Saheb and I resided in Coronation Hotel, opposite Fatehpuri Mosque. Jinnah directed me to formulate policy of M.L. on war issue, keeping in view the world situation. I felt much burden, because he did not give clear instruction. I reached hotel and told Shaikh Saheb and requested him for guidance which he gave thus.
“Muslim should adopt mediocre policy. We should not antagonize either or side with Britishers because Britishers will succeed in this war. After some time Russia and Germany will violate and will fight themselves. Britishers and Russia will join hands and they will crash Hitler. Therefore our policy should be based on such developments.”
The draft resolution was framed on such lines and was presented to Jinnah, who agreed on it and desired that I should present the same in meeting. The said draft was approved in Central Executive. When we compare it with that of Congress, the difference can be visualized.
This was the thought provoking insight and prediction of politician of Sindh, Shaikh Abdul Majeed, who thought that treaty of Russia and Germany, will no longer continue. On the other hand top ranking leaders of world namely, Gandhi, Nehru, Roosevelt, Churchill and many others thought in different way, which proved failure. This was the status and insight of Shaikh Majeed in world politics.