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سنڌ جو املهه هيرو ڪامريڊ تاج محمد ابڙو

هي ڪتاب سنڌ جي مهان هستي ڪامريڊ تاج محمد ابڙو صاحب بابت لکيل مضمونن تي مشتمل آهي جنهن جو سهيڙيندڙ سائين محمد ابراهيم جويو صاحب آهي.
اسين ٿورائتا آهيون ڪامريڊ تاج محمد ابڙو جي فرزند محترم نادر علي ابڙو صاحب جا جنهن هن ڪتاب جي سافٽ ڪاپي ڏيڻ ۾ مدد ڪئي ۽ ڪتاب سنڌ سلامت تي اپلوڊ ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏني.
Title Cover of book سنڌ جو املهه هيرو ڪامريڊ تاج محمد ابڙو

Taj Mohammad Abro

Taj Mohammad Abro s/o kadir bux is known as one of the prominent figures of sindh, pakistan.Taj Mohammad Abro was born on 8 August 1924, Shahdadkot, Larkana. He recieved his early education from kambar.He passed his matriculation from Larkana govt high school.After his matric,he left for Karachi for further studies.He did his L.L.B from S.M Law college Karachi.While living in Karachi, he renderd his services to "Alwaheed"news paper as editor, he remained news caster in radio pakistan karachi, apart of it he remained sub editor in daily "Dawn".In 1947 he started his legal practice,he remained public prosecutor for long time. He was considered to be an expert in criminal cases. Taj Mohammad Abro from his youth was liberal and leftist. He always worked for down trodden people. He always supported democratic parties only beacuse of prosperity and welfare of down trodden and deprived people.while being in practice he used to take cases of poor people with no charges thats why he was known as PAUPER'S ADVOCATE. Taj Mohammad for the betterment of people supported every kind of party specially he worked for democratic and socialist plateforms, hence he was called "COMRADE"by sindh. Taj Mohammad abro's "otaak" was larkana's most famous social meeting spot. From pirs to fakirs, from prime minister to peons all were part and parcel of that famous otaak. From the circle of politics he was close to khan abdul wali khan, sardar attaullah mengal,G.m sayed, Akber Bughti and others but his intimacy with bhutto was very close and firm. During time of foundation of peoples party Taj Mohammad abro brought many politicians in to peoples party. Taj Mohammad was not only a lawyer, plititician and social worker but at the same time he was considered to be an intellectual also, he was expert in philosphy, literature and history. In 1965 he served as chair man at baka pur union council larkana. In the field of literature his work is absolutely praisworthy he is one of the founders of "ADABI SANGAT", all founding meetings were held at his otaak. In 1956 ALL SINDHI ADABI CONFERENCE was held by Taj Mohammad abro at his otaak and all great intellectuals from sindh came on his otaak and that conference was hosted by Taj Mohammad abro. Keeping abilities of Taj Mohammad abro in his views Zlifkar ali bhutto appointed him as session Judge. He served that from 1972 to 1985 very honestly. After retirement he came back to his final abode larkana.He opened his otaak again and started his legal practice.but this time he was not young and active Taj Mohammad but very tired man, his honesty and dedication gave him nothing but painful life, whole life he struggled for others and in that struggle he sacrificed his own family life. He never told his family miseries to others, keeping all his pains and sorrows in his heart, he left this mortal world on 10 March 1986.He left behind a widow with 4 daughters and 5 sons,in the heritage he left nothing but treasure of knowledge in the shape of books and true honour for his offspring.