ماھوار امرتا ڪارنر

ماھوار ”امرتا“ ميگزين شمارو نمبر 134 نومبر 2023

ھن شماري ۾ ولي رام ولڀ جي وڇوڙي تي مختلف عالمن، اديبن ۽ ليکڪن جا لکيل مضمون ۽ تاثر شامل آھن، ان کانسواءِ ولي رام ولڀ جو انٽرويو پڻ شامل آھي. ڦلواڙي ۾ ديوِي ناگراڻي، روبينہ ابڙو، سائينداد ساند، آخوند عباس، ناشاد شوڪت شنباڻي، فدا جوڻيجو، حُميرہ نُور، عنايت تبسم، آزاد خاصخيلي، عبدالرحيم ’عبد‘ ڪنڀر، فرهاد جروار، مونس رضوي، وسيم حيدر کوسو ۽ ليلا رام جي شاعري شامل ڪيل آھي. ان کانسواءِ ڪھاڻيون، فيچر، اڪبر سومري جي ناول جو چوٿون باب، ھوش درد جو تنقيدي مضمون، ڪتابن تي تبصرا ۽ ٻيو مواد شامل آھي.

  • 4.5/5.0
  • 49
  • 8
  • آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ٿيو:
  • امرتا سٿ
  • ڇاپو پھريون
Title Cover of book ماھوار ”امرتا“ ميگزين شمارو نمبر 134 نومبر 2023

A Literary Luminary and Beacon of Unconditional Love : Dr. Neel Kanth

In the realm of literature, Valiram Valabh was one such extraordinary writer and translator, who possessed a unique gift for language, effortlessly crafting narratives that resonated with the deepest emotions of the human soul.
Valiram held a special place in our hearts, becoming the sole soul around whom our entire family united with “Gori,Pushp and Kamlesh” in shared mourning.
His translations like “Gadar “ of Kirshan Chander, “Seeta Harun” and “Akhri shub kay humsafar“of Quratulain Hyder, only Valiram & QH can paint the love and its complexity with armed communist movement scenarios at the Bangali canvas of “Akhri shub kay humsafar“.
“Bund Durwazo“ of Amerta Preetum were not mere linguistic conversions; they were masterpieces that retained the essence and emotion of the original works, allowing readers to experience the beauty of different cultures and languages.
Beyond his literary talents, Valiram was a person of remarkable character.
He was near relative of my mom and always brotherly with her.
His soulmate Hari Bai was my distant cousin but spite of these blood relation his love knew no bounds, flowing freely and unconditionally to everyone he encountered.
His departure left a void that echoed in every corner of our lives. Though he is no longer with us physically, his spirit continues to bind us together, reminding us of the precious moments we shared and the love that will forever endure in our hearts.
I also had an opportunity of meeting with his father Kawalram sahib a fearless and bold retired police officer.
Valiram was raised in the shadow of a remarkable man—his father, a dashing police officer. While his father's profession demanded strength and resilience, Valiram embodied a different kind of strength: a quiet, unassuming softness that endeared him to everyone he met. In a world where toughness is often praised, Valiram showed us the power of kindness, compassion, and a gentle heart.
His emotional attachment to people was genuine, creating an environment of warmth.
Valiram's love for Indian art movies was a shared joy that brought us closer. He enthusiastically introduced us to Noor Mohd at Times Photos, where we delved into the magic of those movies together. His passion for these films was infectious, making our movie outings memorable and full of pleasure.
Valiram played a significant role in polishing our literary instincts. He took me to Tariq Ashrif ( Editor of Sohani Magazine) office frequently in eighties, where I had the opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions and meetings with Tariq Ashrif. Valiram's presence during these encounters added a layer of wisdom and support, making every interaction valuable and encouraging. His guidance and companionship made these experiences not just productive but also enjoyable, highlighting his generosity and willingness to share his knowledge and connections for our growth.
It is truly heartwarming to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of both Valiram and Syed Zafar Hassan Shah in the literary realm. Their editorial efforts in AARSI Magazine provided aspiring writers, including myself, with a platform to showcase our creative expressions. My first poem finding a home within the pages of Aarsi Magazine, under their editorial guidance, remains a cherished moment in my writing journey. Their dedication to nurturing budding talent and promoting art.
I am deeply grateful for their vision, mentorship, and the opportunity they bestowed upon me, shaping my path as a literature lover and probably writer.
What endeared Valiram to all who knew him was not just his literary brilliance but also his humility and soft-spoken nature reminding us that kindness and gentleness are the true marks of a noble soul.
Personally, Valiram Valabh was more than a writer to me; he was a dear friend and uncle who filled my life with his unwavering love and support. His presence was a source of strength.
In essence, Valiram Valabh was not just a literary giant and a masterful translator; he was a beacon of love, humility, and kindness. His legacy lives on in the lives he touched, the words he penned, and the love he shared unconditionally.
Valiram Valabh's presence in our lives was a blessing, reminding us of the immense power of love and the enduring impact of a kind and gentle soul.