My Nanu…My Inspiration : Rahul Chhabria [Grand Son]
He was also my knowledgeable guide into the places I am from. I remember when I was a little boy, clutching onto my nanu’s hand and trying to keep up with his long stride with my stubby legs as he led me to my favorite place in the city: the pedestrian bridge over Cantt station. He’d stand beside me as I watched the trains go by, musing about the world, teaching me about the people we would see and answering my nearly infinite questions patiently.
As a I grew older, we went on more adventures together. I remember one time he brought me along on his way to meet people, procure books for his school. We stopped at a restaurant in the city and had Lahori fish (my first time). This must have been more than 25 years ago now, but I still remember the high chessboard ceiling with the fan blades spinning sluggishly on a long rod. I still remember the people scurrying around us, serving, arriving, leaving. I remember the seasoning on the fish and my nanu talking about our agenda for the day, the school and everything else in between. I remember our talks fondly, like humorous stories shared among friends. I guess some memories stay with you.
Its difficult to say things about nanu that have not been said before. He inspired me to read, learn and observe but he also showed me my city and our adventures shaped me into who I am. I will cherish those memories and they will go everywhere with me. Every time I share a story about nanu it will be with a smile and the memory of adventures shared, stories told and a nice, hearty laugh.