ماھوار امرتا ڪارنر

ماھوار ”امرتا“ ميگزين شمارو نمبر 134 نومبر 2023

ھن شماري ۾ ولي رام ولڀ جي وڇوڙي تي مختلف عالمن، اديبن ۽ ليکڪن جا لکيل مضمون ۽ تاثر شامل آھن، ان کانسواءِ ولي رام ولڀ جو انٽرويو پڻ شامل آھي. ڦلواڙي ۾ ديوِي ناگراڻي، روبينہ ابڙو، سائينداد ساند، آخوند عباس، ناشاد شوڪت شنباڻي، فدا جوڻيجو، حُميرہ نُور، عنايت تبسم، آزاد خاصخيلي، عبدالرحيم ’عبد‘ ڪنڀر، فرهاد جروار، مونس رضوي، وسيم حيدر کوسو ۽ ليلا رام جي شاعري شامل ڪيل آھي. ان کانسواءِ ڪھاڻيون، فيچر، اڪبر سومري جي ناول جو چوٿون باب، ھوش درد جو تنقيدي مضمون، ڪتابن تي تبصرا ۽ ٻيو مواد شامل آھي.

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  • آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ٿيو:
  • امرتا سٿ
  • ڇاپو پھريون
Title Cover of book ماھوار ”امرتا“ ميگزين شمارو نمبر 134 نومبر 2023

My Baba Sain: An Emotional Tribute : Dr. Kamleshwer Lohana

It is difficult to express my 52-year long relationship with my Baba, Vali Ram Vallabh. Infinite memories, endless love and millions of experiences are difficult to bring on a piece of paper. My relationship with Baba Sain is a bond that transcends the simple definition of family. It embodies love, guidance, support, and a silent understanding that shapes the very core of myself. This article is an emotional tribute to Baba Sain, an attempt to capture the essence of a man whose love and influence resonates deeply within my soul.
In the journey of life, a father often becomes a beacon of guidance, offering wisdom and direction. My father, a figure of strength and unwavering support, has been my guiding light through the uncharted waters of my existence. His advice, a blend of experience and care, served as a compass, navigating me through the complexities of the world.
I remember my first day of kindergarten at Model School, Old Campus, Hyderabad very clearly. I was holding his figure and going to school, unwillingly. During my childhood, I remember the day when he bought me few coins to play video games in the early eighties. I remember the day when he bought me my first desktop computer in 1991. I was proud of him and he was my proud father.
He encouraged me to peruse higher education and take my family to Australia. His advice is always needed in every step of my life. We usually had our evening cup of tea together. We usually talked on range of issues of the world, literature and day-to-day routine stuff. He guided my children. He always encouraged them to follow the path of education and career in which they are interested in. He was our family university and we were the students. Alas, none of us graduated. Our education was discounted on 29 October, 2023. He was the whole universe for all of us.
The beauty of the relationship with Baba Sain lies in the unspoken moments, the shared silences that resonate more deeply than words. My father's love, though seldom vocalized, was felt in his actions, in the sacrifices he made for our family, and in the little gestures that spoke volumes. His understanding of my aspirations and fears, without requiring verbal articulation, fostered a connection that transcended the need for spoken assurances.He had a habit of marking the daily newspaper for me to read. Last month he indicated some US exchange program opportunity for my youngest son. He loved all of us so much and wanted to see all of us educated, literate and humane.
Memories from the fabric of our existence, and within the tapestry of my life, the most cherished threads are those woven with my father. From playful childhood escapades to the profound conversations in later years, each memory evokes a spectrum of emotions, illustrating the depth of our relationship. These moments, no matter how simple or profound, are a testament to the enduring bond between a father and his son. Being the only son was privilege for me and I enjoyed his endless love. He was such a soft spoken and patient parent and always ignored and pardoned my all naughty things which I did until my youth age. I liked movies since my childhood. He always arranged movie tickets during all my childhood and adolescent age. Slowly gradually he helped me to read children literature and novels and at the age of 16, I had privilege to watch classics and drams with my Baba Sain. He encouraged me to develop story-writing skills. He arranged publications of my stories in children magazines and helped to write effectively. During my first week of married life, he gave my wife and I, both, a task to translate stories and send it them to a competition. We could not win the competition but we both became writers and started reading in our own time.
My father's teachings were not confined to formal lessons; they were ingrained in his actions and character. Through his integrity, resilience, and unwavering moral compass, he instilled within me values that transcend mere words. His legacy lives on in the principles he imparted, shaping the person I am today and guides my path forward. He taught me a range of things through his behavior and attitude. His opinions about books, ideologies and different philosophies influenced me immensely. Since my childhood, I had chance to interact with his social and literary circle of writers, artists, teachers and friends. At this point, I am privileged to keep the bonding with them and their second generation.
The departure of a beloved father leaves an emotional void that can never truly be filled. Yet, his emotional legacy, woven into the fabric of my soul, continues to inspire, comfort, and guide me. The love he bestowed, the values he cultivated, and the enduring impact of his presence linger as a source of strength in my life's journey. I have not able to absorb the reality. I consider that Baba Sain is sleeping in his room and will wake up in awhile and call me by my nickname, ‘Shabee’.
The emotional depth of relationship with Baba Sain is an intricate tapestry of love, guidance, shared moments, and enduring lessons. This tribute is a heartfelt acknowledgment of the profound impact my father has had on my life. His love, his teachings, and his presence continue to resonate within me, forming an emotional landscape that defines not just my past, but also shapes my future.
In honoring my father's memory, I acknowledge the timeless legacy he leaves behind—an emotional inheritance that will forever shape my narrative, a legacy of love, strength, and guidance that will endure through the ages.