ماھوار امرتا ڪارنر

ماھوار ”امرتا“ ميگزين شمارو نمبر 134 نومبر 2023

ھن شماري ۾ ولي رام ولڀ جي وڇوڙي تي مختلف عالمن، اديبن ۽ ليکڪن جا لکيل مضمون ۽ تاثر شامل آھن، ان کانسواءِ ولي رام ولڀ جو انٽرويو پڻ شامل آھي. ڦلواڙي ۾ ديوِي ناگراڻي، روبينہ ابڙو، سائينداد ساند، آخوند عباس، ناشاد شوڪت شنباڻي، فدا جوڻيجو، حُميرہ نُور، عنايت تبسم، آزاد خاصخيلي، عبدالرحيم ’عبد‘ ڪنڀر، فرهاد جروار، مونس رضوي، وسيم حيدر کوسو ۽ ليلا رام جي شاعري شامل ڪيل آھي. ان کانسواءِ ڪھاڻيون، فيچر، اڪبر سومري جي ناول جو چوٿون باب، ھوش درد جو تنقيدي مضمون، ڪتابن تي تبصرا ۽ ٻيو مواد شامل آھي.

  • 4.5/5.0
  • 48
  • 8
  • آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ٿيو:
  • امرتا سٿ
  • ڇاپو پھريون
Title Cover of book ماھوار ”امرتا“ ميگزين شمارو نمبر 134 نومبر 2023

For Nanu : Sameer Rai Chhabria [Grand Son]

That our words are meaningful is a concept that has been instilled in me from a very young age. Nanu was a large part of understanding that our words can inspire, teach and help us connect with each other. Every trip into nanu's home was also a trip into the vast unknowns of his library. Introducing us to the idea that there is always so much more to know in the world without feeling intimidated by all that you have yet to learn.
Between the books of all shapes, sizes and languages there was a world to get lost in and nanu was ever ready to guide us through the expanse. It's this curation of knowledge that I didn't even realize I took for granted all this time. It's strange to know that I will no longer be able to learn from him in that way. But his lessons will live on with us forever. To learn more about the world, gain mastery of our words and articulate them to further discussion and thought.
I feel as though I have been passed a bright torch that it is up to me to carry through the next phase and pass on in my own time. The good news is that this torch was handed not just to me but everyone that Nanu inspired and together we will carry his light with us. Thank you Nanu, we will always remember.