تاريخ، فلسفو ۽ سياست

قومن جي تباهيءَ جي تاريخ

هي ڪتاب ”قومن جي تباهيءَ جي تاريخ“ هارون يحيٰ جو لکيل آهي جنهن جو سنڌيڪار خالد ڀٽي آهي.
هن ڪتاب “قومن جي تباهيءَ جي تاريخ” ۾
هي ڪتاب سنڌيڪا اڪيڊمي ڪراچي پاران 2012 ۾ ڇپايو ويو.
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Title Cover of book قومن جي تباهيءَ جي تاريخ

ڪتابيات، حاشيا ۽ حوالا

1. Max Mallowan, Nuh's Flood Reconsidered, Iraq XXVI-2, 1964, p.66.
2. Ibid.
3. Muazzez Ilmiya Cig, Kuran, Incil ve Tevrat'in Sumer'deki Kokleri (The Roots of Qura'an, Old Testament and New Testament in Sumer), 2.b., Istanbul: Kaynak, 1996.
4. Werner Keller, Und die Bibel Hat doch recht (The Bible as History; a Confirmation of the Book of Books), New York: William Morrow, 1964, pp. 24-29.
5. Max Mallowan, Nuh's Flood Reconsidered, Iraq; XXVI-2, 1964, p.70.
6. Werner Keller, Und dia Bibel hat doch rectt (The Bible as History; a confirmation of the Book of Books), New York: William Morrow, 1964, pp.23-32.
7. "Kish", Britannica Micropaedia, Volume 6, p. 893.
8. "Shuruppak", Britannica Micropaedia, volume 10, p. 772.
9. Max Mallowan, Early Dynastic Period in Mesapotamia, Cambridge Ancient History 1-2, Cambridge; 1971, p.238.
10. Joseph Campbell, Eastern Mythology, p. 129.
11. Bilim ve Utopya, July 1996, 176. Footnotep.19.
12. Everett C. Blake, Anna G. Edmonds, Biblical Sites in Trukey, Istanbul: Red-house Press, 1977, p.13.
13. Werner Keller, Und die Bibel hat doch recit (The Bible as History; a Confirmation of the Book of Books), New York: William Morrow, 1964, p. 75-76..
14. "Le Monde dela Bible", Archeologie et Histoire, Jul-Auggust 1993.
15. Werner Keller, Und die Bibel hat doch recht (The Bible as History; a Confirmation of the Book of Books), New York: William Morrow, 1964, p.76.
16. Ibid, pp.73-74.
17. Ibid, pp. 75-76.
18. G. Ernest Wright, "Bringing Old Testament Times of Life", National Geographic, Vol. 112, December 1957, p. 833.
19. Thomas H. Maugh II, "Ubar, Fabled Lost City, Found By LA Team", The los Angeles Teimes, 5 February 1992.
20. Kamal Salibi, A History of Arbia, Caravan Books, 1980.
21. Bertram Thomas, Arabia Felix: Across the "Empty Quarter" of Arabia, New York: Schreiber’s Sons 1932, p.161.
22. Charlene Crabb, "Frankinecense", Disocover, January 1993.
23. Nigel Groom Frankincense and Myrrh, Longman, 1981, p. 81.
24. Ibid., p. 72.
25. Joachim Chwaszcza, Yemen, 4PA Press, 1992.
26. Ibid.
27. Brain Doe, Southern Arabia, Thames and Hudson, 1971, p.21.
28. Ca M'Interesse, January 1993.
29. "Hier", Islam Ansiklopedisi: Islam Alemi, Tarihi, Cografya, Etnografya ve Bibliyografya Lugati, (Encyclopedia of Islam: Islamic World, History, Geography, Ethnography and Biblliography Dictionary) Vol. 5/1, p. 275.
30. Philip Hitti, A History of the Arabs, London: Macmillan, 1979, p.37.
31. "Thamuds", Britannica Micropedia, Vol. 11, p. 672.
32. Brain Doe, Southern Arabia, Thames and Hudson, 1971, pp.21-22.
33. Ernst H.Gombrich, Gencler icin Kisa Bir Dunya Tarihi, (Translated into Trukish by Ahmet Mumcu from the German Original Script, Eine Kurze Weltgeschichte Fur Junge leser, Dumont Buchverlage, Koln, 1985), Istanbul: Inkilap Publishing House, 1997, p. 25.
34. Ernst H. Gombrich, The Story of Art, London MCML, The Phaidon Press Ltd., p.42.
35. Eli Barnavi, Historical Atlas of The Jewish people, London: Hutchinson, 1992, p.4; "Egypt", Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 6, p. 481 and "The Exodus and Wanderings in Sinai", Vol. 8.p. 575; Le Monde de la bible, No: 83, July-August 1983, p. 50; Le Monde de Bible, No: 102, January-February 1997, pp.29-32; Edward F. Wente, The oriental Institute News and Notes, No.144, Winter 1995; Jacques Legrand, Chronicle of The World, Paris: Longman Chronicle, SA International Publishing , 1989, p.68; David Ben Gurion, A Historical Atlas Of the Jewish People, New York: Windfall Book, 1974, p. 32.
36. http://www2.plaguescape.com/a/plaguescape/
37. "Red Sea", Encyclopedia, Judacia, volume, 14, pp. 14-15.
38. David Ben-Gurion, The Jews in Their land, New York: A Windfall Book, 1974, pp. 32-33.
39. "Seba" Islam Ansiklopedisi: Islam Alemi, Tarihi, Cografya, Etnografya ve Bibliyoggrafya Lugati, (Encyclopedia of Islam: Islamic World, History, Geography, Ethnography, and Bibliography Dictionary) Vol. 10, p. 268.
40. Hommel, Explorations in Bibel lands, Philadelphia: 1903, p. 739.
41. "Marib", Islam Ansiklopedisi: Isalm Alemi, Tarihi, Cografya, Etnografya ve Bibliyografya Lugati, Vol. 7,p. 323-339.
42. Mawdudi, Tefhimul Kurran, Cilt4, Istanbul: Insan Yayinlari, p.517.
43. Werner Keller, Und dia Bibel hat doch recht (The Bible as History; a Confirmation of the Book of Books), New York: William Morrow, 1956, p.207.
44. New Traveller's Guide to Yemen, p.43.
45. Musa Baran, Efes, pp.23-24.
46. L. Massignon, Opera Minora, v.III, pp. 104-108
47. At-Tabari, Tarikh-al Uman.
48. Muhammed Emin.
49. Fakhruddin ar-Razi.
50. From the commentaries of Qadi al-Baidawi, an-Nasafi, al-Jalalayn and at-Tibyan, also Elmalili, Nasuhi Bilmen.
51. Ahmet Akgunduz, Tarsus ve Tarihi ve Ashab-i-Kef. Ahmet Akgunduz,Tarsus ve tarihi ve Ashab-I kehf- (Ahmed and History and the Companions of the Cave).