مختلف موضوع

درياءُ: منھنجو مُرشد (نوٽس)

ھن ڪتاب ۾ سنڌو درياءَ، سنڌ جي ڊيلٽا، سنڌ جي جر جي پاڻيءَ ۽ ايشيا کنڊ جي مٺي پاڻيءَ جي سڀ کان وڏي ڍنڍ منڇر سميت سنڌ جي پاڻيءَ جو ڪيس پيش ڪيل آھي. منظور ٿھيم جا لکيل ھي نوٽس رڳو تحريرون ناھن، پر اصل ۾ احتجاج، دانھون ۽ آھون آھن. ھن سڀني نوٽس ۾ سنڌ ۽ سنڌوءَ جو ڪيس لڙيو آھي. ھن دليلن سان لکيو آھي. اسان سڀني کي نہ رڳو ھي ڪتاب پڙھڻ گهرجي، پر سنڌ جي پاڻيءَ تي لڳل ڌاڙي، درياءَ ۽ منڇر سان زھريلي پاڻيءَ جي ڪيل ظلم خلاف آواز اٿارڻ گهرجي.

Title Cover of book درياءُ: منھنجو مُرشد (نوٽس)

درياءُ منھنجو مرشد-33

Dear Environment Activists, Writers, Poets, Journalists, Teachers, Students, and Ambassadors, This message is for awareness.
We, the members of the Fellows of the Indus River (FIR), are reaching out to you with a grave concern regarding the dire state of the Indus River, a vital source of sweet water and the lifeline of Sindh. It is imperative that we collectively address the urgent threat posed by the continuous release of wastewater and effluent into its waters.
The Indus River, a symbol of life and civilization, is facing unprecedented peril. Despite legal provisions prohibiting the discharge of waste into freshwater bodies like lakes, canals, and rivers, this harmful practice persists across Sindh. Of particular concern is the situation at the old Phulile Canal, where conditions have worsened alarmingly.
Furthermore, the Indus River is facing an environmental catastrophe that urban and industrial waste follow into Indus River, which is extremely toxic. Recently, the irrigation department released water from Muncher Lake with a total dissolved solids (TDS) level as high as 30%. Before this Manchur lake was a storage for sweet water hub which was contemned through MNV drain. The project was funded by WAPDA and world bank. This contamination, coupled with water shortages, poses a grave threat to the mangrove forests, livestock, human health, bird and wildlife, domestic insects, agriculture, and the surface soil.
We, the fellows of Indus River (FIR), urge all to join us in raising our collective voice to save the Indus River. It is not just a body of water; it is the very essence of our civilization.
Together, let us take a stand to safeguard this precious resource and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Thank you

Kind regards,

Manzoor Thaheem
Fellows of Indus River


Fellows Of Indus River سنڌو درياءَ جا دوست ۽ ساٿي
سنڌو درياءَ جي وجود، انجي تاريخي ۽ ماحولياتي زندگي بچائڻ لاءِ ملڪي ۽ بين الاقوامي ماحولاتي ادارن خاص طرح يونائٽيڊ انوائرمينٽ اسيمبلي کي اي ميل ڪري درياءَ جي موجودہ آلودہ حيثيت کان واقف ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي آھي، جنھن جو متن اوھان سان شيئر ڪجي ٿو.

unep- westasia.
unep- execut
unep- envoirment
Irtiqa Institute of Social Sciences
Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Action
Greenpeace International
Indus Valley Civilization
United Nations
United Nations Human Rights
Sindh Chief Minister House
Chief Justice Of Pakistan