لوڪ ادب، لساني ۽ ادبي تحقيق

جديد ادبي تنقيدي نظرين ۽ لاڙن جو سنڌي ادب تي اثر

ھي ڪتاب اصل ۾ پي ايڇ ڊي جي لکيل ٿيسز آھي جيڪا ڊاڪٽر ساجدہ پروين پاران ڪراچي يونيورسٽي ۾ ڊاڪٽر غفور ميمڻ جي نگراني ۾ مڪمل ڪئي وئي. ڊاڪٽر ساجدہ لکي ٿي:
”هي ڪتاب ”جديد ادبي تنقيدي نظرين ۽ لاڙن جو سنڌي ادب تي اثر“ منهنجي پي ايڇ ڊي جي ٿيسز آهي، جيڪا مون مسلسل پنج سال جاکوڙ ۽ تحقيق ڪندي لکي آهي. هن ٿيسز تي مون کي ڪراچي يونيورسٽي پي ايڇ ڊي جي ڊگري ايوارڊ ڪئي هئي. در اصل هي موضوع پنهنجي مواد ۾ تمام ڏکيو موضوع آهي، هن ۾ نه ڪنهن شخصيت جا پيرا کڻڻا آهن، نه وري ڪو هن موضوع تي اڳ ۾ ڪو ڪم ٿيل آهي. هي منهنجي لاءِ هڪ وڏي چئلينج هو ته هن موضوع تي مان تحقيق ڪريان. اڄ جي دور جي صورتحال عام ماڻهو کي سمجهه ۾ نٿي اچي ته آخر دنيا کي ڇا ٿي ويو آهي جو فطرتي ڪلچر نه رهيو، نه وري انساني قدر رهيا آهن. رشتا ناتا صرف مفادن جي چوڦير گهمن ٿا. آخر انهيءَ دور کي ڇا چئجي انهيءَ دور جي ڪهڙي اپسٽيم آهي؟ اهو ئي چئلينج هو جنهن کي مون قبول ڪري هن تحقيق ۾ هٿ وڌو.“
Title Cover of book جديد ادبي تنقيدي نظرين ۽ لاڙن جو سنڌي ادب تي اثر


It is historical fact that global critical literary theories and trends are much more influenced on great literary work. In 21st century there are many literary theories and philosophical trends in the world. It is to be said that we are living in postmodern age which is totally different from past. Therefore it is much more necessary to research out the facts and figures about post modernism and its impact on literature.
This research work will be benefited for Sindhi literary critics because this is new point of view to understand the world and literature. Till today there are few books and research papers on this topic even these are not in detail. Many aspects are left in these papers and books.
Literature without ideology and thought is only letter dancing; literature is not absolute thing it is connected with all the important subjects. Society is name of diverge thinking process and each society has different type of ideologies. Literature is expression of those thoughts. Every time and space has certain type of social movements according to their ideologies. Such movements and philosophical trends play vital role in the literature.
The purpose of my research work is investigation of these all movements of 21st century particularly postmodern era and so on feminism, Surrealism, Structuralism, post structuralism and also six sub literary theories (Reader response, Psychoanalytic criticism , Cyber theory, New Historicism and cultural materialism , post –colonialism and Diaspora Criticism and Death of Author.
In this research work I have to explore all the aspects of such critical theories with the background of their philosophies and influence on Sindhi Literature.
Feminism is a collection of movements which is intended for political, social, and economical equal rights for women. Feminism has three historical waves and now in 21st century it appears a fourth wave so on, in post modernism it has got multiple divergent characteristic. It is also dire need to explore the feminism as a psychological movement and its impact on literature. Therefore this research work will be based on different aspects of feminism and its influence on Sindhi literature.
Surrealism is an artistic movement of 20th century. It is based on unconscious sources. This was represented from the theory of Sigmund Freud of unconscious. Surrealism spread out throughout the world.
Psychology shows that our conscious is not able to understand everything, its iceberg floating on Unconscious Ocean so that’s why creation is more complex because its production of unconscious more than conscious. This research work will search out the basic principles of surrealism and its influence on Sindhi Literature.
Structuralism is a theory, which claims that element of human culture can be understood in terms of their relationship in the larger overarching system of structure.
This is new and different theory presented by Saussure. Before this theory it was believed that Language is encircled with meaning, but Saussure said it is structure that gives the meaning. Things are variable and not same at any time but meaning will be same until structure is same. This interesting theory will be defined as well in research mood and with impact on Sindhi literature.
Post structuralism term comes from the rejection of structuralism “Derrida” was founder of this thought he denies logo centric approach and circled thought. He breaks centralization with his ideology “play”.
This was significant and amazing theory that centralization has been breakout, and word has no meaning. This theory will be research out in detail with the impact on Sindhi literature.
Deconstruction, death of author these theories are literary output and logically result of post structuralism. Deconstruction, is practical way to search out multiple meaning of a single text which is hidden in the language, and death of author theory shows that writing has different meanings which is not fasten with writer even writer has no relation with his writings.
Sindhi Literature is rich in his ideological approach in every period that’s why the research will be defined the question whether Sindhi literature is updated or not?
It is need of research to define the Post Modernism as an era, ideology and theory. Post Modernism is departure from modern approaches. Post Modernism puts everything into radically interrogation that society needs to be change with decentralization. This research work has to find out the basic principles and ideal rules of the new era. We can see the impacts of postmodernism in every aspect of life, society, and politics and literature etc. My concentration about this research work will be focused on Post Modernism as a theory, era and critical theory.
It is historical fact that philosophical theories and trends influenced on literature and art. So many critics investigate the literature according these theories; hence there is dire need that Sindhi literature needs to enquire in this way.
This research work is a general survey about these theories and trends which are globally spread throughout the world, also regarding these theories and trends this survey is necessary to apply on Sindhi literature.