رات آيو خيال گيڙو ويس ۾.
پيار جو هو ڀال گيڙو ويس ۾.
سچ افق ارپيو، محبت جو اصول،
سج جو هو زوال گيڙو ويس ۾.
ڇو نه ٿي جنوب ٿي حاوي ڀلا ؟
آ سڄو شمال گيڙو ويس ۾.
مان جڳن کان سنڌ جو صوفي مٺا،
اڄ به منهنجو حال گيڙو ويس ۾.
هڪ طرف رقصم مي رقصم ئي هئو،
ٻي طرف هو لعل گيڙو ويس ۾.
ڪاپڙين جا خيال کاهوڙي هئا،
هو غضب هر ڇال گيڙو ويس ۾.
هو سچل، تبريز، باهو، موج ۾،
شاهه ۽ جلال گيڙو ويس ۾.
جسم پهريو پر عجب انداز ۾،
روح جو رومال گيڙو ويس ۾.
Poetry of Shahmir Soomro
Translated by Nawab Ali Rahoo
Last night a thought appeared in ochregarb,
It was blessings of love in ochre garb.
Sky-dedicated truth became the principle of love,
The downfall of the sun was in ochre garb.
Why not South dominate?
The entire North is in ochre garb.
O honey! I’m Soofi of Sindh since time immemorial,
Even today my condition is in ochre garb.
On one hand,there was only dance and dance!
On the other hand, the Lal was in ochre garb.
Itinerant’s thoughts were vibrant,
Every jump was wonderful inochre garb.
Sachal, Tabreez, Baho were in a reverie!
Shah and contemplation were in ochre garb.
Body was strangely covered!
The handkerchief of soul was in ochre garb.