تنهنجي زلفن کي ڇهڻ پڻ آڱرين جو خواب هو.
تنهنجي چهري کي پسان پيو اکڙين جو خواب هو.
منهنجي جيون جي خوشيءَ جي زندگي اوندهه هئي،
چنڊ چپڙن کي چمڻ بس حسرتن جو خواب هو.
مون ڏٺيون پئي ٽارين تي، ڦٿڪندڙ بي چين سڀ،
تنهنجي پوتيءَ ۾ پوڻ، سڀ سڱرين جو خواب هو.
جوهرين جي هٿ پڳا پر پوءِ ڀي پڇتاءُ ٿن،
تنهنجي چولي ساڻ چنبڙڻ موتين جو خواب هو.
ڦوهه جوڀن ۾ سدائين ڇوڪرن جي ننڊ ڦٽل،
ڄامشوري جي هوا ۾ ڇوڪرين جو خواب هو.
زندگي جي اوڏڪي ڀت کي لڳي ويو سيڪ آ،
من مندر ۾ خوبصورت مورتين جو خواب هو.
ڪو نه ٿي آهي مناسب جاءِ اڄ تائين نصيب،
موت جي منهن ۾ سدائين جوڳين جو خواب هو.
Poetry of Shahmir Soomro
Translated by Nawab Ali Rahoo
Touching your hair was the dream of my fingers,
Staring your face was the dream of my eyes.
The life of happiness of my life was the dimness,
Kissing of moon light lips was the dream of my desires.
I was watching them writhing on branches,
To be fallen into your shawl was the dream of Sangria.
Reachedin the hands of jewelers even then feltregret,
Sticking with your shirt was the dream of the pearls.
Youths in their youthfulnessare always sleep-deprived,
In the winds of Jamshoro, it was the dream of girls.
Life’s mud wall got heated,
In my heart’s temple, it was the dream of beautiful idols.
Could not find a suitable place yet,
Before death,it was always the dream of snake charmers.
Note:سڱري Sangri plural Sangria – its biological name is Prosopis cineria found mainly in Thar Desert of Pakistan and Rajasthan India.