هوءَ ڪيڏي نه چري هئي!!
هوءَ ڪيڏي نه چري هئي!!
دل جي بُت خاني ۾،
انسان رکي ويٺي هئي.
لاٽ اونچي رهي،
هوءَ رَتَ جا ڏيئا ٻاريندي هئي.....!!
دَر دريون بند ڪري،
سدا گيان ۾ گم رهندي هئي.
گهَڙيون گهٽبيون رهيون،
سيرُن مان سَمي سُرندو رهيو......!!
اک جڏهن هن جي پٽي،
دنيا هن جي لُٽي......!
خالي مندر هيو،
ڳڙکي ڪا پَٽيل هئي....!
سالن کان هوءَ بي سڌ هئي،
ڇو ته هوءَ چري هئي.
دل جي بُت خاني ۾،
انسان رکي ويٺي هئي.....!!
How Insane She Was!
How insane she was!
How insane she was!
In the temple of heart
She kept a human as god
To maintain the flame high
She used to fill lamp with her blood
By closing doors and windows
Was always lost in meditation
Time was flowing away from all spaces
While her eyes opened
Her world was robbed
Temple was empty
Any windows was opened wide
She was unaware for years
Because she was insane
In the temple of heart
She kept a human as god