راهه هلندي ملي ويو
ٿي لڳو روح ۾ رلي ويو.
ٿي لڳو آسمانن جو،
زمين تي ڪيئن ملي ويو.
وقت ايڏو ته تڪڙو ٿيو،
خالي احساس ئي ڏئي ويو.
سِڪ جا سڳا ٿي ٻَڌا هر دم،
بهانن سان هُو ڇڏي ويو.
فلسفو زندگيءَ جو سندس پنهنجو هو،
فلسفو منهنجو به هو مِٽي ويو.
ڌنڌ آ پٺيان ۽ اڳيان ڌوڙ،
شايد اڳتي آ هو وڌي ويو.
On The Way He Met
On the way he met
He was knitted in the soul
He was from heavens
How he met on the earth?
Ahh! How fast time passed?
His emptiness is felt
Tied with the threads of love
Left making some trivial pretext
Had his own philosophy of life
Changed my thinking as well
Fog is at the back and dust is ahead
Perhaps has gone away