اڄ تون ڪيئن مٽجي وئينءَ؟
تنهنجي هنج ۾ منهنجي جاءِ پناهه هئي.
صدين کان تون محبت جي مورت هئين،
تنهنجو وجود ڌرتيءَ تي خدا جو روپ هو.
تون پنهنجن آفاقي جذبن سان ٽمٽار هئين...
وقت توکي ڪڏهن به بدلائي نه سگهيو...
پر اڄ تون ڪيئن مٽجي وئينءَ؟
تنهنجو آفاقي جذبو توکان ڪيئن ڌار ٿيو؟
تون عظمت کان ڪيئن انڪاري ٿئين!؟
منهنجو روح اڄ به توکي ان روپ ۾ نٿو قبولي...
ته تون منهنجي قاتل ٿيندينءَ...
ڪهڙي طاقت تنهنجي ممتا جي طاقت کان زور ٿي وئي؟
مون کي پنهنجي مرڻ جو نه پر تنهنجي مٽجڻ جو ڏک آهي...!
ته تون مون کي ڪڏهن ساڙين ٿي،
ته ڪڏهن خنجر جا وار ڪري مارين ٿي...!
Today How You Transformed?
I reposed blind trust in you
Your lap was "home to protection" for me
Since ages, demigod of love, you were
You were incarnation of God on Earth
You were filled with heavenly emotions
Time failed to change you
How did you transform today?
Why heavenly emotions depart from you?
My heart refuses to accept you in this form
You will be my murderer!
Which evil force overcame to you?
I don't regret for my murder
But for your transformation
Sometimes you set me ablaze
Sometime you kill me with dagger!
Note: on 29th April 2017 a 20 year old girl was killed on decision by Jirga and her mother also supported Jirga because she helped her friend to elope and get married on her own wish.