مون آهي ڏٺو...
بند اکين ۽ کليل ذهن سان آهي ڏٺو.
آزاديءَ جا پر پکيڙي بيٺي هئي،
اندر ۾ ان کي مون لهندي آهي ڏٺو.
جيڪا مون کي شانت ڪري ويئي آهي،
ارڏائي سان کيس مون بيٺل آهي ڏٺو.
دل جي تهه خانن ۾ جا ٿي لهندي وئي،
روح جي ريگستانن ۾ ان کي آهي ڏٺو.
آزادي جا خود کي مون آهي ارپي،
آزادي کي آزاديءَ ۾ مون آهي ڏٺو.
ليا ٿي پاتا جنهن اندر ۾ صدين کان،
ان کي دل جي نظر سان اڄ مون آهي ڏٺو.
I Have Seen…
I have seen the bizarre independence
I have seen with closed eyes and open mind
She had spread the wings of independence
I have seen her drowning in my being
She made me tranquil
I have seen her standing with arrogance
Which was descending the cellars of my heart
I have seen her in the deserts of my soul
The independence, which I have dedicated to myself
I have seen independence in independence
Peeping in me for centuries
I have seen her with the sight of my heart