ان ۾ ڪو راز ضرور آ.
مَمَتا جي موهه ۾ لڳي ٿي گُم،
عجب جذبن ۾ هوءَ مخمورآ.
هَنجَ ۾ هن جي ڄڻ ته ڪائنات هجي،
هوءَ اڄ ايتري مغرور آ.
بي نور زندگي ٿي پئي هن جي اڄ،
معصوم مسڪراهٽن سان پُر نور آ.
بيباڪي نه جا هُئس ڪلهه تائين،
اڄ هِمتن سان معمور آ.
اکين ۾ اٿس اڄ چمڪ نئين،
پنهنجي ٻچڙي تان هوءَ وهلور آ.
هوءَ ٿي وئي آ مڪمل اڄ،
فطرت جو اهو دستور آ.
Light emanates from her face
There is some secret
She is lost in motherhood
She is intoxicated in different feelings
As universe is in her lap
She is such proud today
Her dark life is illuminated
with innocent smiles
She was without courage yesterday
She is filled with bravery today
Her eyes have new shining
She is in love with her kid
She is completed today
That's the law of nature for today