ڪيئن هن توکي پڪاريو هوندو...!
دل توکي ڪيئن ساريو هوندو..
نيڻ ڀنل ۽ ساهه ۾ سڏڪا....
وقت ڪٺن ڪيئن گهاريو هوندو..؟
سڏ ۽ سُڏڪا ڪينءَ ٻڌا تو..!
تن کي بس تو ٽاريو هوندو،
سِجَ تون ايڏو جلدي لهندين،
ڪٿي تو پاڻ اڀاريو هوندو.
دردن کي ٿي درد سان ٺاري،
ڪنهن اهڙو چاهه ڏيکاريو هوندو..؟
How She Had Called You..!
How she had called you
How heart has missed you
cloudy eyes and sobs
Troubling time, how she has passed?
You did not hear my calls and sobs
You were oblivious and ignorant
Sun! You will set so early!!!?
you had risen somewhere else.
Heart heals itself with sorrows
Who else has manifested such romance?