جيڪو ساهن ۾ سدائين.
سانڍي رکين...
خوشبوءَ کي ڏٺم،
گُلَ مسڪرائڻ لڳا...
هي اسان جي درد
جو نچوڙ آ هي...
چنڊ کان چانڊوڪي گهريم،
هيءَ روشني،
سج جي ڏنل،
اُڌاري آ...
هوائن کان تو لاءِ
نرمي گهريم...
جواب ۾
هوا چيو...
هي ته
وهڪرو آ پيار جو...
ڪٿي بيهي نٿو سگهي...
آخر مان پنهنجي،
اندر جي سڀني.
احساسن ۽ جذبن،
کي گَڏي...
تن مان هڪ،
گلدستو جوڙيو...
ان کي دعائن جي،
ريشمي ڏور ٻڌي.
تنهنجي قدمن ۾،
رکان ٿي...
Wanted to give something precious
Which you could preserve in your breaths
Looked at the fragrance
Flowers were smiling
They answered
Its essence of our sorrows
Asked for moonlight to moon
He replied
This light is borrowed from Sun
Asked to air
Softness for you
It replied
Its flow of love
Which never stops
In the end
I collected
All colorful feelings of my being
And made a bunch of flowers
Tying it with ribbon of prayers
I am putting it in your feet.