مُٺ ته آخر کولڻي آهي
ڳنڍ ته آخر ڇوڙڻي آهي.
بند الائي ڪيڏا طوفان،
راهه تنين کي ڏيڻي آهي.
سرد هوا جا جهوٽا آهن،
باهه ڪٿي ڪا ٻرڻي آهي.
دل جي در تي ڌڙڪو هر پل،
خوف جي ڳڙکي ٽوڙڻي آهي.
سچ جي سامهون ايندي ايندي،
دل ته هڪ ڏينهن ٽٽڻي آهي.
عڪس جو اڄ ٿيو ڌنڌلو ڌنڌلو،
چٽي شڪل سا ٿيڻي آهي.
ڪڏهن وفا ۽ ڪڏهن وير،
شڪل وقت کي مٽڻي آهي.
Fist To Open At Last
Fist to open at last
Knot to undo at last
Many storms at tary
Passage to provide them
Unpleasant wind is blowing
Fire has to burn at last
Fear knocking the door of heart
Window of fear has to break
Truth has to reveal one day
Heart to be hurt one day
The Image is blurred today
Has to be cleared oneday
Often affection, often hostility
Time has to change one day