ننڍڙا ماڻهو وڏڙا ماڻهو
ڪٿي صفا پتڪڙا ماڻهو.
عام جو جيڪي مفاد ڏسن،
اهڙا ٿورا وڏڙا ماڻهو.
ڌرتيءَ کي نيلام جي ڪن،
ڪيڏا نيچ ڪمينا ماڻهو.
جنهن پئسي تي هوڏ اٿن،
ٽڪن تي سي وِڪيَل ماڻهو.
سِر نوائن طاقت اڳيان،
ٽڪرن تي پلجڻ وارا ماڻهو.
قوم لاءِ جيڪي جيئن مرن،
اهڙا آهن ٿورا ماڻهو.
جن جو سودو سولو ناهي،
سي ئي اصلي سونا ماڻهو.
Towering Men, Little Men
Towering men, Little men
Some are very tiny men
Those who struggle for the rights of masses
This genre is very rare,
Who trade land for their gains
How wicked and cheap men
They are arrogant for their riches
Are sold for pennies
Bowing at the doors of power
Are living on thrown pieces
Who live and die for their people
Are very rare men
They are great and wonderful
They can't be traded for anything
Those are highly towering men