اڃان هاڻي سُتي آهيان
اڃان هاڻي سُتي آهيان.
نه ڪوئي مون کي جاڳائي،
اڃان هاڻي سُتي آهيان.
ذهن ۽ دل جو ڌاڳو،
ٽٽڻ وارو هيو ئي نه...
انهيءَ ڌاڳي کي ٽوڙي،
اڃان هاڻي سُتي آهيان.
نه هاڻي روشني گهرجي،
ڏيئا تون سڀ اُجهائي ڇڏ...
ٿڪل آهيان ٽٽل آهيان،
سمهڻ چاهيان ٿي هاڻي مان.
ڪري خود کي مان تنها،
اڃان هاڻي سُتي آهيان.
نه ڪائي آس آ باقي،
ڪڏهن تنهنجي ورڻ جي ڪا...
ڪري بند دِل دريون مان،
اڃان هاڻي سُتي آهيان.
I Have Become
Unconscious Just Now
Shutting all the door of conscious on me
I have become unconscious just now
Don’t try to make me conscious
I have become unconscious just now
The thread of heart and wisdom
was never to break
I have cut the thread
I have become unconscious just now
I don't need light
Put off all the lamps
I am tired, I am broken
Want to be unconscious
Confining myself in loneliness
I have become unconscious
No wish exists now
That you will come back
Shutting all doors and windows of heart
I have become unconscious just now