ڪيڏو آ ڏکيو سمجهڻ انسان کي
دوکو روز ڏئي ٿو انسان، انسان کي.
روپ ۾ ڪنهن جي ٻهروپ آهي لڪل،
ڪهڙي خبر آ هِن دلِ نادان کي.
ڪلهه ٿي کيڪاري ويهاريو جن کِلي،
اڄ ٿا چاڙهن ڪڙو مڪان کي.
منزل تي پهچائڻ لاءِ رهبر ٿيا،
سي ئي ڦرين ٿا مهمان کي.
ڪنهن تي ڪيئن ڪجي ڀلا ڀروسو،
سڀڪو لڪائي هلي ٿو اندر شيطان کي.
Humans Are Incomprehensible
Humans are incomprehensible
Human deceives one another all the time
Disguises real face from others
Heart does not know the reality
Who welcomed with smile yesterday
Have locked their door today
Leaders to lead towards destination
Turned themselves as plunderers
How could repose trust in some one?
Everyone conceals devil within