چهرن جي مٿان چهرا
چهرن جي مٿان چهرا،
ٿا روز نوان پائين،
انسان نوان چهرا.
ٿو نور وسي جن مان،
شيطان اُهي چهرا،
محبت جي لٽائين ٿا،
سفاڪ سي ئي چهرا.
ٿا پنهنجا لڳن جيڪي،
اڻڄاڻ سي ئي چهرا،
جي ڪالهه ڏٺا دل ۾،
غائب ٿيا سي چهرا.
انسان جي مون سمجها،
پٿر سي هئا چهرا،
پٿر ٿي جن کي ڄاتم،
هيرن سندا سي چهرا.
Overlaped Faces
Faces overlaped with faces
Faces overlaped with faces
People cover masks daily
Faces overlapped with faces
Bright faces, pious faces
Are those evil faces
Who pretend to shower love
But callous and cruel faces
Who look near and dear
Become are indifferent and unknown faces
Were residing in heart yesterday
Are invisible now
Thought be humans
Were stone faces
Who appeared to be stones
Revealed as gems