سنڌ شناسي

سنڌو سڀيتا جا محقق

هن اھم ۽ تاريخي ڪتاب ۾ سنڌو سڀيتا تي تحقيق ڪندڙ ڏيھي توڙي پرڏيھي آرڪيالاجسٽن، جيالاجسٽن، اينٿروپلاجسٽن، ٻولي ۽ لکت جي ماهرن بابت فقط اها ڄاڻ ڏيڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي وئي آهي، جيڪا سنڌو ماٿريءَ جي سڀيتا سان تحقيق متعلق ڪارگر ٿي سگهي ٿي. هن ڪتاب ۾ سندن انهن ئي ڪتابن، مقالن، ٿيسز ۽ ٻئي مواد جو ذڪر ڪيو ويو آهي. جيڪي سنڌو سڀيتا متعلق تحقيق سان لاڳاپيل آهن. رُڪ سنڌي هن ڪتاب ۾ ڪوشش ڪئي آهي تہ سنڌو سڀيتا متعلق کوجنا ڪندڙ مڙني اهم ماهرن بابت ڄاڻ ڏئي سگهي، ان سلسلي ۾ 95 ماهرن جو تعارف ۽ سندن ٿيل تحقيق کي هن ڪتاب ۾ شامل ڪيو ويو آھي. پر ان باوجود بہ ڪافي اهڙا ماهر رهجي ويا آهن، جيڪي سنڌو تهذيب تي کوجنا سان بلڪل ويجهڙائي واري وقت ۾ سلهاڙيا آهن. ليکڪ جو هي ڪتاب ايندڙ مستقبل ۾ سنڌو سڀيتا تي تحقيق ڪندڙن لاءِ هڪ سونهين طور ڪم ايندو.
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Title Cover of book سنڌو سڀيتا جا محقق

برگيٽ آلچن Bridget Allchin 

برطانوي آرڪيالاجي جي ماهر ميڊم برگيٽ آلچن کي ڏکڻ آيشيا جي آرڪيالاجي تي خاص مهارت حاصل رهي آهي. پاڻ 1927ع ۾ برطانوي شهر آڪسفورڊ ۾ جنم ورتو. سندس مڙس رائمنڊ آلچن به ڏکڻ ايشيا جي آرڪيالاجي جو ماهر رهيو آهي. هن زال مڙس نه فقط گڏجي سنڌو ماٿري جي قديم تهذيب تي تحقيق ڪئي، پر ڪيترن ئي ڪتابن جا گڏيل خالق به رهيا آهن. برگيٽ آلچن يونيورسٽي ڪاليج لنڊن ۾ تاريخ ۽ قديم تهذيبن بابت ڊگري حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ داخلا ورتي پر هن پنهنجي والدين طرفان ڏکڻ آفريڪا لڏي وڃڻ سبب تعليم کي اڌ ۾ ڇڏي ڏنو. بعد ۾ پاڻ ڏکڻ آفريڪا جي شهر ڪيپ ٽائون جي يونيورسٽي ۾ آفريڪن اسٽيڊيز، انٿروپلاجي، آرڪيالاجي ۽ آفريڪي ٻولين ۾ تعليم حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ پڙهڻ شروع ڪيو. برگيٽ پنهنجي تعليم دوارن ڏکڻ آفريڪا جي پٿر جي دور تي تحقيق ۾ مهارت حاصل ڪئي. بعد ۾ پاڻ 1950ع ڌاري برطانيه واپس اچڻ جو فيصلو ڪيو ۽ برطانيه پهچي انسٽيٽيوٽ آف آرڪيالاجي مان ڊاڪٽريٽ جي ڊگري حاصل ڪئي. پاڻ جڏهن برطانيه جي يونيورسٽي ڪاليج لنڊن مان پي ايڇ ڊي ڪري رهي هئي ته سندس پنهنجي هم ڪلاس رائمنڊ آلچن سان ملاقات ٿي، جيڪا ان ئي سال شادي جي ٻنڌڻ ۾ تبديل ٿي وئي.
برگيٽ آلچن کي ڊاڪٽريٽ جي پڙهائي دوارن ئي ڏکڻ ايشيا جي قديم تهذيب ۽ تاريخ سان لڳاءُ پئدا ٿيو، پاڻ پهريون ڀيرو 1951ع ۾ انڊيا پهتي، ڏکڻ ايشيا جي قديم تاريخ ۽ آرڪيالاجي تي وڌ کان وڌ تحقيق ڪندڙ هي پهرين عورت اسڪالر هئي. جنهن افغانستان کان سريلنڪا تائين ڏکڻ ايشيا جي آرڪيالاجي تي تحقيق ڪئي ۽ ڪيترائي ڪتاب ۽ مقالا تحرير ڪيا. پهريان ته هن پنهنجي مڙس رائمند آلچن سان فيلڊ ۾ هٿ ونڊايو، پر پوءِ پاڻ به ڏکڻ آيشيا جي آرڪيالاجي تي تحقيق ڪرڻ لاءِ فنڊ حاصل ڪرڻ ۾ ڪامياب ٿي وئي. جنهن بعد هن بروڊا يونيورسٽي جي پروفيسر ٽي ايم هيڊج ۽ آڪسفورڊ يونيورسٽي جي پروفيسر اينڊريو گوڊي سان گڏ ٿر ۾ قديم آثارن جي کوجنا تي ڪم شروع ڪيو. ان عرصي دوران برگيٽ آلچن آرڪيالاجيڪل سروي سان لاڳاپا قائم ڪري ورتا ۽ ان اداري جي مدد سان پاڪستان جي پوٺوهار ريجن ۾ پٿر دور جي ماڳن تي ڪم شروع ڪيو. هن ٿر سميت پوٺوهار ۾ پٿر دور جي ماڳن تي ڪيترائي تحقيقي مقالا ۽ ڪتاب لکيا. پاڻ سائوٿ ايشين اسٽيڊيز جرنل جي باني ايڊيٽر پڻ رهي. ان سان گڏ پاڻ ولفسن ڪاليج ڪيمبرج جي فيلو پڻ رهي. برگيٽ قديم ايران ۽ انڊيا ٽرسٽ جي سيڪريٽري ۽ بعد ۾ چيئرمين جي عهدي تي به ڪم ڪيو. ان سان گڏ پاڻ يورپين ايسوسيئيشن آف سائوٿ ايشين آرڪيالاجسٽس جي سيڪريٽري جنرل به رهي. ان ايسوسيئيشن طرفان ڪافي تحقيقاتي مقالا شايع ڪيا ويا.

ڪتاب ۽ مقالا

• The Stone Tipped Arrow (1966)
• The Prehistory and Palaeogeography of the Great Indian Desert (1978)
• The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan (1982) with F. Raymond Allchin
• From the Oxus to Mysore in 1951: The Start of a Great Partnership in Indian Scholarship (Hardinge Simpole, 2012) with F. Raymond Allchin
• Allchin, Bridget 1966. The Stone-Tipped Arrow; Late Stone-Age Hunters of the Tropical Old World. New York: Barnes & Noble.
• Allchin, Bridget 1972. Hunters or Pastoral Nomads?: Late Stone Age Settlements in Western and Central India. London: Duckworth.
• Allchin, Bridget 1973. Environment, Time and Technology: The Flake Tradition and Blade and Burin Traditions in Western India. Bombay: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
• Allchin, Bridget 1994. Living Traditions: Studies in the Ethno archaeology of South Asia. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
• Petraglia, Michael D., and Bridget Allchin (eds.) 2007. The Evolution and History of Human Populations in South Asia Inter-Disciplinary Studies in Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Linguistics and Genetics. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer.
• Allchin, Bridget 1952. "A study of some Palaeolithic artefacts from South India". Current Science 21: 268–271.
• Allchin, Bridget 1957. "Australian Stone Industries, Past and Present". Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 87, no. 1: 115–136.
• Allchin, Bridget 1958. "The Late Stone Age of Ceylon". Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 88, no. 2: 179–201.
• Allchin, B. 1959. “The Indian Middle Stone Age: Some New Sites in Central and Southern India”. Bulletin of the London University Institute of Archaeology 2: 1–36.
• Allchin, Bridget 1960. Review of Stone Age Industries of the Bombay and Satara Districts. by S. C. Malik. Man 60: 95.
• Allchin, Bridget 1960. "196. Central Indian Prehistory: The Carlyle Collections". Man. 60, no. 9: 155–156.
• Allchin, Bridget and J. Desmond Clark and C. B. M. McBurney and Sonia Cole 1961. "The Pelican Prehistories". Journal of African History. 2, no. 1: 153–154.
• Allchin, Bridget 1963. "The Indian Stone Age Sequence". The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 93, no. 2: 210–234.
• Allchin, Bridget 1966. "The Stone Age of India in relation to surrounding regions of the Old World". Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (Rome, 29 August–3 September 1962). Rome, 250–255.
• Allchin, Bridget and K. T. M. Hegde 1968. "The background of early man in the Narmada valley, Gujarat: a preliminary report of the 1969 season’s fieldwork". Journal of the M.S.U. Baroda 17, no.1: 141–145.
• Allchin, Bridget and Andrew Goudie. 1971. "Dunes, Aridity and Early Man in Gujarat, Western India". Man. 6, no. 2: 248–265.
• Allchin, Bridget, K. T. M. Hegde and Andrew Goudie 1972. "Prehistory and Environmental Change in Western India: A Note on the Budha Pushkar Basin, Rajasthan". Man. 7, no. 4: 541–564.
• Allchin, Bridget, K. T. M. Hegde and Andrew Goudie 1972. "The background of early man in Gujarat, a preliminary report of the Cambridge – Baroda Expedition, 1970–71 season. Journal of the M.S.U. Baroda 19, no.1: 15–32.
• Allchin, Bridget 1972. "Hunters or pastoral nomads? Late Stone Age settlements in Western and Central India". In: P. J. Ucko, R. Tringham and G. W. Dimbleby (eds.), Man, Settlement and Urbanism. London: Duckworth, 115–119.
• Allchin, Bridget 1973. "Blade and burin industries of West Pakistan and Western India." In: N. Hammond (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1971, London: Duckworth, 39–50.
• Allchin, Bridget 1973. "Environment, time and technology: the flake tradition and the blade and burin traditions in Western India." In: D.P. Agrawal and A. Ghosh (eds.), Radiocarbon and Indian Archaeology. Bombay: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 18–22.
• Goudie, Andrew, Bridget Allchin and K. T. M. Hegde 1973. "The former extensions of the Great Indian Sand Desert". The Geographical Journal 139, no.2: 243–257.
• Allchin, Bridget 1974. Siddhpur and Barkachha: two Stone Age factory sites in Uttar Pradesh". In: A.K. Ghosh (ed.), Perspectives in Palaeoanthropology. Professor D. Sen Festschrift. Calcutta: Firma K. L. Mukhopadhyay, 235–248.
• Allchin, Bridget 1974. "Stone age man in Rajasthan". The Researcher, Bulletin of Rajasthan’s Archaeology and Museums 14.
• Allchin, Bridget and Andrew Goudie 1974. "Pushkar: Prehistory and Climatic Change in Western India". World Archaeology. 5, no. 3: 358–368.
• Allchin, Bridget and Andrew Goudie 1974. "Prehistoric geography of the margins of the Indian desert: an interim report of the Cambridge – Oxford – Baroda project". In: J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw and J.M.M. Ubaghs (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 1973. Papers from the second International Conference of the Association for the Promotion of South Asian Archaeology in Western Europe, held in the University of Amsterdam. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 63–70.
• Allchin, Bridget 1976. "Palaeolithic Sites in the Plains of Sind and Their Geographical Implications". Geographical Journal. 142, no. 3: 471–489.
• Allchin, Bridget 1977. "Hunters, pastoralists and early agriculturalists in South Asia". In: J.V.S. Megaw (ed.), Hunters Gatherers and First Farmers Beyond Europe: an Archaeological Survey. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 127–144.
• Allchin, Bridget and Andrew Goudie 1978. "Climatic change in the Indian desert and North-west India during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene". In: W.C. Brice (ed.), The Environmental History of the Near and Middle East Since the Last Ice Age. London: Academic Press, 307–318.
• Allchin, Bridget 1979. The agate and carnelian industry in western India and Pakistan. In: J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1975. Papers from the Third International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe held in Paris. Leiden: Brill, 91–105.
• Allchin, Bridget 1979. "Stone blade industries of early settlements in Sind as indicators of geographical and socio-economic change". In: M. Taddei (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1977.
• Papers from the Fourth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples. Naples: Istituto Universitario Orientale, 173–211.
• Allchin, Bridget 1980. "Observations on the nature and development of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic industries in the Thar Desert during the last Pleistocene humid phase". Man and Environment 4.
• Allchin, Bridget 1980. "The prehistory of Tadjikistan, Soviet Central Asia". Antiquity 54: 55–58.
• Allchin, Bridget 1980. "Notes on the teris of Tamilnadu coast, South India". In: Th. T P Gunawardana, L. Prematilleke, R. Silva (eds.), P.E.P. Deraniyagala Commemoration Volume. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Lake House Investments Ltd., 60–63.
• Allchin Bridget 1981. "Stone industries of Lewan, Tarakai Quila and Lak Largai in the Bannu basin". In: H. Härtel (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1979. Papers from the fifth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe held in the Museum für Indische Kunst der Staalichen Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin. Berlin: D. Reimer Verlag, 233–239.
• Allchin Bridget 1981. "The Palaeolithic of the Potwar Plateau Punjab, Pakistan; A Fresh Approach. Paléorient 7, no.1: 123–134.
• Allchin Bridget 1981. "Archaeological indications of the role of Nomadism in the Indus civilization and their potential significance for the movements of the Indo-Aryans into the Indian subcontinent". In: B.A. Litvinsky (ed.), Ètnicheskiye problemy istorii Tsentral’noi Azii v drevnosti (II tysyacheletiye do n.è.) / Ethnic Problems of the History of Central Asia in the Early Period (2nd Millennium B.C.). Moscow, 321–325.
• Allchin, Bridget 1982. "Substitute stones". In: G.L. Possehl (ed.), Harappan Civilization: a contemporary perspective. Warminster: Aris & Phillips in co-operation with American Institute of Indian Studies, 233–238.
• Allchin, Bridget 1985. "Ethnoarchaeology in South Asia". In: J. Schotsmans and M. Taddei (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 1983. Papers from the seventh international conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, Brussels. Naples: Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, 21–33 (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor 23).
• Allchin, Bridget 1986. "The Site of Lewan. 3.2 The Ground, Pecked and Polished or Heavy Stone Artefacts". In: F. Raymond Allchin, Bridget Allchin, F. A. Durrani and M. Farid Khan (eds.), Lewan and the Bannu Basin, 41–64.
• Allchin, Bridget 1986. "The Site of Lewan. 3.3 The Microlithic Industry". In: F. Raymond Allchin, Bridget Allchin, F. A. Durrani and M. Farid Khan (eds.), Lewan and the Bannu Basin, 65–80.
• Allchin, Bridget 1986. "The Site of Lewan. 3.4 The Bead-Working Area". In: F. Raymond Allchin, Bridget Allchin, F. A. Durrani and M. Farid Khan (eds.), Lewan and the Bannu Basin, 81–87.
• Allchin, Bridget 1986. "The Excavations. 4.3 The Stone Blade Industry from the Excavations". In: F. Raymond Allchin, Bridget Allchin, F. A. Durrani and M. Farid Khan (eds.), Lewan and the Bannu Basin, 113–115.
• Allchin, Bridget 1986. "The Excavations. 4.4 The Heavy stone Artefacts from the Excavations". In: F. Raymond Allchin, Bridget Allchin, F. A. Durrani and M. Farid Khan (eds.), Lewan and the Bannu Basin, 117–119.
• Allchin, Bridget 1986. "Earliest traces of man in the Potwar Plateau, Pakistan: a report of the British Archaeological Mission to Pakistan". South Asian Studies 2, no.1: 69–83.
• Allchin, Bridget 1987. "South Asian Rock Art". Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 135, no. 5366: 138–155 (The Sir George Birdwood memorial lecture 1986).
• Allchin, Bridget 1987. "1985–1986 Report of the British Archaeological Mission to Pakistan on its British-Pakistan Palaeolithic Project". South Asian Studies 3: 91–94.
• Dennell, Robin W. and Bridget Allchin 1988. "Report of the British Archaeological Mission to Pakistan Palaeolithic Project, 1987". South Asian Studies 4: 145–147.
• Allchin, Bridget 1992. "Middle Palaeolithic Cultures". In: A.H. Dani and V.M. Masson (eds.), History of Civilizations of Central Asia. Volume I: The Dawn of Civilization: Earliest Times to 700 B.C. Paris: UNESCO Publishing.

رائمنڊ آلچن سان گڏ لکيل ڪتاب ۽ مقالا

• Allchin, Bridget, and F. Raymond Allchin 1968. The Birth of Indian Civilization: India and Pakistan Before 500 B.C. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
• Allchin, Bridget, and F. Raymond Allchin 1982. The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
• Allchin, Bridget, and F. Raymond Allchin 1997. Origins of a Civilization: The Prehistory and Early Archaeology of South Asia. New Delhi: Viking.
• Allchin, F. Raymond, and Bridget Allchin 2012. From the Oxus to Mysore in 1951: The start of a great partnership in Indian Archaeology. Kilkerran: Hardinge Simpole