سنڌ شناسي

سنڌو سڀيتا جا محقق

هن اھم ۽ تاريخي ڪتاب ۾ سنڌو سڀيتا تي تحقيق ڪندڙ ڏيھي توڙي پرڏيھي آرڪيالاجسٽن، جيالاجسٽن، اينٿروپلاجسٽن، ٻولي ۽ لکت جي ماهرن بابت فقط اها ڄاڻ ڏيڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي وئي آهي، جيڪا سنڌو ماٿريءَ جي سڀيتا سان تحقيق متعلق ڪارگر ٿي سگهي ٿي. هن ڪتاب ۾ سندن انهن ئي ڪتابن، مقالن، ٿيسز ۽ ٻئي مواد جو ذڪر ڪيو ويو آهي. جيڪي سنڌو سڀيتا متعلق تحقيق سان لاڳاپيل آهن. رُڪ سنڌي هن ڪتاب ۾ ڪوشش ڪئي آهي تہ سنڌو سڀيتا متعلق کوجنا ڪندڙ مڙني اهم ماهرن بابت ڄاڻ ڏئي سگهي، ان سلسلي ۾ 95 ماهرن جو تعارف ۽ سندن ٿيل تحقيق کي هن ڪتاب ۾ شامل ڪيو ويو آھي. پر ان باوجود بہ ڪافي اهڙا ماهر رهجي ويا آهن، جيڪي سنڌو تهذيب تي کوجنا سان بلڪل ويجهڙائي واري وقت ۾ سلهاڙيا آهن. ليکڪ جو هي ڪتاب ايندڙ مستقبل ۾ سنڌو سڀيتا تي تحقيق ڪندڙن لاءِ هڪ سونهين طور ڪم ايندو.
  • 4.5/5.0
  • 2860
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  • آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ٿيو:
  • رڪ سنڌي
  • ڇاپو پھريون
Title Cover of book سنڌو سڀيتا جا محقق

ڪيمرون اينڊريو پيٽراءِ Cameron Andrew Petrie

ڪيمرون اينڊريو پيٽراءِ Cameron Andrew Petrie

ڪيمبرج يونيورسٽي جي پروفيسر ڪيمرون اينڊريو پيٽراءِ ڏکڻ ايشيا پاڪستان، انڊيا ۽ ايران جي جي آرڪيالاجي تي ڪافي تحقيق ڪئي آهي. پيٽراءِ جون 1972ع ۾ آسٽريليا ۾ جنم ورتو، هن وقت برطانيه ۾ رهائش پذير آهي. هن سڊني يونيورسٽي مان 1998ع کان 2002ع تائين آرڪيالاجي بابت تحقيقي مقالو لکي ڊاڪٽريٽ جي ڊگري حاصل ڪئي. جنهن بعد 2003ع کان 2006ع تائين آڪسفورڊ جي سومرولي ڪاليج ۾ خدمتون سرانجام ڏنيون. پاڻ ٽرنٽي ڪاليج ڪيمبرج ۾ ڏکڻ ايشيا ۽ ايران جي آرڪيالاجي جي شعبي ۾ سينئر ليڪچرار طور به ڪم ڪيو. پيٽراءِ 2005ع کان ڪيمبرج ۾ قديم تهذيبن تي تحقيق ڪري رهيو آهي. جڏهن ته سنڌو سڀيتا تي تحقيق جي سلسلي ۾ ڪيترن ئي پراجيڪٽس سان لاڳاپيل رهيو آهي. پاڻ سنڌو سڀيتا جي ڪيترن ئي ماڳن جي کوٽائي به ڪرائي، خاص ڪري خيبرپختون خاهه صوبي ۾ هن قديم ماڳن تي ڪافي کوجنا ڪئي آهي. پيٽراءِ سنڌو ماٿري جي سڀيتا جي دور ۾ موسمياتي تبديلين کي بحث جو موضوع بڻايو. پاڻ ايران، پاڪستان ۽ انڊيا ۾ ڪيترن ئي پراجيڪٽن جو سربراهه به رهيو آهي. جن ۾ اتر اولهه انڊيا ۾ زمين، پاڻي ۽ آبادڪاري بابت پراجيڪٽ تي 2007ع کان 2014ع تائين تحقيق ڪئي. جڏهن ته پاڪستان جي صوبي خيبر پختون خواهه ۾ چارسده لڳ بالا حصار آرڪيالاجيڪل پراجيڪٽ تي 2006ع کان 2010ع تائين کوجنا ڪئي. هن وقت پاڻ خيبرپختون خواهه صوبي ۾ بنون آرڪيالاجيڪل پراجيڪٽ تي ڪم ڪري رهيو آهي.

ڪتاب ۽ تحقيقي رپورٽون

Project publications
• Petrie, C.A. Singh, R.N. and French, C.A. 2010. Land, Water and Settlement in Haryana, India. In: Archaeology at Cambridge 2009–2010, p. 37. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
• Singh, R.N., Petrie, C.A., French, C.A., Neogi, S., Pandey, A.K., Parikh, D. and Pawar, V. (2010). Geoarchaeological survey and excavations at Burj, Fatehabad, Haryana. Puratattva, 40:pp. 94–101
• Singh, R.N., Petrie, C.A., Pawar, V., Pandey, A.K., Neogi, S., Singh, M., Singh, A.K. Parikh, D. and Lancelotti, C. (2010). Changing patterns of settlement in the rise and fall of Harappan urbanism: preliminary report on the Rakhigarhi Hinterland Survey 2009. Man and Environment, 35.1:pp. 37–53
• Singh, R.N., Petrie, C.A., et al. (in press). Survey and excavations at Burj, Fatehabad District, Haryana, March 13 - April 5, 2010, BHU and University of Cambridge Archaeological Project, Indian Archaeology: A Review, 2010-2011.
• Singh, R.N., Petrie, C.A., et al. (in press). A preliminary report on the Ghaggar Hinterland Survey 2010, BHU and University of Cambridge Archaeological Project, Indian Archaeology: A Review, 2010-2011.

Other Publications:
• Petrie, C.A., Asgari Chaverdi, A., and Seyedin, M. (2005). From Anshan to Dilmun and Magan: the spatial and temporal distribution of Kaftari and Kaftari-related ceramic vessels
• Magee, P., Petrie, C.A., Knox, J.R. and Khan, F. (2005) The Achaemenid Empire In South Asia and Recent Excavations In Akra In Northwest Pakistan
• Petrie, C.A., Morris, J., Khan, F., Knox, J.R., and Thomas, K.D. (2007). The dynamics of late prehistoric ceramic production and distribution in the Bannu and Gomal Regions, NWFP, Pakistan
• Petrie, C.A., Magee, P. & Khan, M.N. (2007) Histories, Epigraphy and Authority: Achaemenid and Indigenous Control in Pakistan in the 1st millennium BC
• Singh, R.N. Petrie, C.A., et al. (2008). Settlements in Context: Reconnaissance in western Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, April and May 2008
• Petrie, C.A., and Torrence, R. (2008). Assessing the effects of volcanic disasters on human history: a Bayesian approach to radiocarbon dating
• Petrie, C.A. and Singh, R.N. (2008). Investigating cultural and geographical transformations from the collapse of Harappan urbanism to the rise the great Early Historic cities: a note on the Land, Water and Settlement Project
• Petrie, C.A. & Magee, P. (2008) Emulation at the edge of empire: the adoption of non-local vessel forms in the NWFP, Pakistan during the mid-late 1st millennium BC
• Petrie, C.A., Singh, R.N. and Singh, A.K. (2009). Investigating changing settlement dynamics on the plains: the 2009 survey and excavations at Masudpur (Hissar District, Haryana)
• Singh, R.N., Petrie, C.A., Pawar, V., Pandey, A.K., Neogi, S., Singh, M., Singh, A.K. Parikh, D. and Lancelotti, C. (2010). Changing patterns of settlement in the rise and fall of Harappan urbanism: preliminary report on the Rakhigarhi Hinterland Survey 2009
• Singh, R.N., Petrie, C.A., French, C.A., Neogi, S., Pandey, A.K., Parikh, D. and Pawar, V. (2010). Geoarchaeological survey and excavations at Burj, Fatehabad, Haryana
• Petrie, C.A., Khan, F., Knox, J.R., Magee, P., Morris, J.C., and Thomas, K.D. (2008) (published 2010). Prehistoric and Historic ceramic production in the Bannu Basin, N.W.F.P., Pakistan: A Review
• Magee, P. & Petrie, C.A. (2010) West of the Indus, East of the Empire: The archaeology of the pre-Achaemenid and Achaemenid periods in Baluchistan and the North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan
• Singh, R.N., Petrie, C.A., French, C.A., Bates, J., Pandey, A.K., Parikh, D., Lancelotti, C. and Redhouse, D.I. (2012). Survey and excavations at Dabli-vas Chugta, Hanumangarh District, Rajasthan
• Petrie, C.A. and Thomas, K.D. (2012). The topographic and environmental context of the earliest village sites in western South Asia
• Singh, R.N., Petrie, C.P., Joglekar, P.P., Neogi, S., Lancelotti, C., Pandey, A.K. and Pathak, A. (2013). Recent Excavations at Alamgirpur, Meerut District: A Preliminary Report
• Petrie, C.A. & Magee, P. (2012) The Achaemenid expansion to the Indus and Alexander's invasion of north-west South Asia
• Dixit, Y., Hodell, D., Sinha, R. and Petrie, C.A. (2014). Abrupt weakening of the Indian summer monsoon at 8.2 kyr B.P.
• Dixit, Y., Hodell, D. and Petrie, C.A. (2014). Abrupt weakening of the summer monsoon in northwest India ~4100 yrs ago
• Petrie, C.A. 2013. Sohr Damb/Nal
• Petrie, C.A. (2013). Charsadda
• Petrie, C.A. (2013). Taxila
• French, C., Sulas, F. and Petrie, C.A. (2014). Expanding the research parameters of geoarchaeology: case studies from Aksum in Ethiopia and Haryana in India.
• Petrie, Currie et al [including Petrie] (2015), Agricultural productivity in past societies: Toward an empirically informed model for testing cultural evolutionary hypotheses, Cliodynamics 6
• Singh, R.N. and Petrie, C.A. (2009), Lost rivers and life on the plains, Paper published in the conference proceedings of the International Conference `Sarasvati River - A Perspective' Kurukshetra University
• Petrie, C.A. (2013), Ancient Iran and Its Neighbours: the state of play, in Petrie (ed.), Ancient Iran and Its Neighbours
• Singh, R.N., Petrie, C.A., Pawar, V., Pandey, A.K. and Parikh, D. (2011). New Insights into Settlement along the Ghaggar and its Hinterland: a Preliminary Report on the Ghaggar Hinterland Survey 2010, Man & Environment
• Khan, F., Knox, J.R., Magee, P., & Thomas, K.D. & a contribution by Petrie, C.A. (2000). Akra: The Ancient Capital of Bannu, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan
• Khan, F., Knox, J.R., Thomas, K.D., Petrie, C.A. & Morris, J.C. (2010). Sheri Khan Tarakai and early village life in the north-west Pakistan, Petrie, C.A. (ed.). Bannu Archaeological Project Monographs - Volume 1