هيتوشي اينڊو Hitoshi Endo
ڪتاب ۽ مقالا
• H. Shudai, A. Konasukawa, S. Kimura, T. Ueno, H. Endo 2011,03 Report on the Survey of the Archaeological Materials of Prehistoric Pakistan, stored in the Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum. Part 3: Emir Ware and Quetta Style Pottery. Bulletin of the Turumi University: Studies in Humanities, Social and Natural Science, 48(4). Turumi University, Yokohama, 38pp.
• H. Shudai, A. Konasukawa, H. Endo, S. Kimura, T. Ueno 2010,03 Report on the Survey of the Archaeological Materials of Prehistoric Pakistan in the Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum. Part 2: Kulli Ware. Bulletin of the Turumi University: Studies in Humanities, Social and Natural Science, 47(4). Turumi University, Yokohama, 62pp.
• H. Shudai, A. Konasukawa, H. Endo, S. Kimura 2009,03 Report on the Survey of the Archaeological Materials of Prehistoric Pakistan, stored in Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum. Part 1: Painted Pottery of Nal Ware. Bulletin of the Turumi University: Studies in Humanities, Social and Natural Science, 46(4). Turumi University, Yokohama, 33pp.
• I.H. Takamiya, H. Endo 2008,10 Return to the Temole Workshop: The Manufacture of Bifacial Flint Tools. Nekhen News, 20. The Friends of Nekhen, London, 2pp.
• I.H. Takamiya, H. Endo 2007,10 Beer After Sheep? HK11C Squares A6-A7 in 2007. Nekhen News, 19. The Friends of Nekhen, London, 1p.
• Shudai, H., A. Yoneyama, F. Shudai, A. Konasukawa, S. Kimura and H. Endo 2015,03 “Report on the Survey of the Archaeological Materials of Prehistoric Pakistan stored in the Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum Part 6: Human Figurines and Some Remarks on the Social Development in the Prehistoric Balochistan.Bulletin of the Turumi University: Studies in Humanities, Social and Natural Science 52(4) :7-29.
• H. Endo 2015,03 Documenting traditional agricultural tools in Odisha, India. Proceedings, Joint Belmont Forum SMARTS2- Future Earth Unit Workshop: How to Organize and Conduct Multinational, Inter- and Trans-Disciplinary Research Collaboration? –India X Food, Rural, Environmental Studies as a Subject Matter-.
• H. Endo Mature Harappan Lithic Assemblage at Farmana and Kanmer. Bhuj Round Table - International Conference on Gujarat Harappans and Chalcolithic Cultures, 2010,01,28-2010,01,31, Gujarat, India. (Oral Presentation)
• I.H. Takamiya, H. Endo Variations in lithic productions at Hierakonpolis: a preliminary report of the excavation of HK11C squares A6-A7. Egypt at Its Origins. The Third International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, 2008,07,27-2008,08,01, London. (Oral Presentation)