ڊينس فرينز Dennys Frenez
ڊينس فرينز جي تحقيق جو مکيه موضوع سنڌو سڀيتا جا باقي دنيا جي تهذيبن سان لاڳاپا رهيا آهن. پاڻ سنڌو سڀيتا تي کوجنا جي سلسلي ۾ وسڪونسن يونيورسٽي ۽ هارورڊ يونيورسٽي جي آرڪيالاجي ماهرن وچ ۾ هڪ سگهارو نيٽ ورڪ به قائم ڪيو آهي. فرينز سنڌو ماٿري جي سڀيتا سان لاڳاپيل ڪيترن ئي پراجيڪٽن تي به ڪم ڪري رهيو آهي. جن ۾ اومان جي سلطنت جي قديم ماڳن ۽ نواردات تي تحقيق به شامل آهن. پاڻ بروڊا يونيورسٽي جي ماهر ڊاڪٽر ماسيمو ودالي سان گڏ سنڌو ماٿري جي سڀيتا ۽ وچ ايشيا جي قديم تهذيبن وچ ۾ ڪنجهي جي دور ۾مهرن جي مٽاسٽا يا مهرن وچ ۾ هڪجهڙائي بابت پراجيڪٽ تي به تحقيق ڪري رهيو آهي. ڊينس فرينز ڀارت ۾ سنڌو سڀيتا جي قديم ماڳن شڪارپورا، باگسرا، ناگودا تي به کوجنا ڪئي، هن انهن قديم ماڳن تان مليل ٺڪر جي مهرن کي پنهنجي تحقيق جو موضوع بڻايو. ان کان اڳ 2010ع ۾ سنڌو سڀيتا جي قديم ماڳ لوٿل تي وڌيڪ کوٽائي لاءِ انڊيا ۽ اٽلي جي گڏيل پراجيڪٽ ۾ به حصو ورتو.
ڪتاب ۽ مقالا
• D. Frenez and M. Vidale. Translated symbols. Indus Reminiscences in a carved Chlorite Artefact of the Halil Rud Civilization. Rivista di Archeologia 3, pp. 7-18. 2015
• M. Vidale and D. Frenez. Indus Components in the Iconography of a White Marble Cylinder Seal from Konar Sandal South (Kerman, Iran). South Asian Studies 31.1, pp. 144-154. 2015
• D. Frenez. The Lothal Revisitation Project. A Fine Thread Connecting Ancient India to Contemporary Ravenna (via Oman). In C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky and B. Genito (eds.) ‘My Life is like the Summer Rose’ Maurizio Tosi e l’Archeologia come modo di vivere. Papers in honour of Maurizio Tosi for his 70th birthday, BAR International Series 2690, Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 263-278. 2014
• D. Frenez. Living symbols. In Living symbols. Catalogue of the exhibition The power of Imagery in Prehistoric Pakistan. Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale ‘Giuseppe Tucci’, Rome (24 June - 21 September 2014), pp. 111-127. 2014
• D. Frenez. Simboli vivi. In Simboli vivi. Catalogo della mostra Il potere delle immagini nelle ceramiche preistoriche del Pakistan (Italian). Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale ‘Giuseppe Tucci’, Roma (24 giugno - 21 settembre 2014), pp. 111-127.
• D. Frenez., M. Vidale, G. Lombardo, E. Cortesi. Pakistan. La magia delle origini. ARCHEO354 August 2014, pp. 34-49. 2014
• D. Frenez and M. Vidale. Harappan Chimaeras as ‘Symbolic Hypertexts’. Some thoughts on Plato, Chimaera and the Indus Civilization. South Asian Studies 28.2, pp. 107-130. 2012
• D. Frenez. Le cretulae di Lothal: Documenti Amministrativi da un Sito della Civiltà dell’Indo ai Confini Orientali del Mare Arabico. In O. Carruba, C. Mora, P. Piacentini (eds.) L’ufficio e il documento. I luoghi, i modi, gli strumenti dell’amministrazione in Egitto e nel Vicino Oriente antico, Milan, pp. 511-522. 2006
• D. Frenez and M. Tosi. Lothal Sealings: Records from an Indus Civilization Town at the Eastern End of the Maritime Trade Networks across the Arabian Sea. In M. Perna (ed.) Studi in Onore di Enrica Fiandra. Contributi di archeologia egea e vicinorientale, Naples, pp. 65-103. 2005
• D. Frenez, M. Degli Esposti, S. Méry and J.M. Kenoyer, Bronze Age Salut (ST1) and the Indus Civilization: Recent Discoveries and New Insights on Regional Interaction,Proceedings of the seminar for Arabian Studies 46.
• D. Frenez, G. Marchesi and M. Vidale. Hybrid identities. Seals with Indus Motifs and Cuneiform Inscriptions. Paper submitted to Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie.
• D. Frenez. Manufacturing and trade of ivory in Bronze Age Middle Asia. Evidence from Gonur Depe (Margiana, Turkmenistan). Paper submitted to Antiquity.
• D. Frenez, H. David-Cuny and M. Vidale. Three men in a boat. The seal of a Dilmunite slave trader?Submitted to Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy.
• D. Frenez. Ancient Oman and the Indus Civilization External Trade. Paper included in the 2nd rev. edition of the volume by S. Cleuziou and M. Tosi (eds.) In the Shadow of the Ancestors: The Prehistoric Foundations of the Early Arabian Civilization in Oman. Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Sultanate of Oman.
• D. Frenez. Riding the monsoon. Ancient Oman and the Indus Civilization External Trade.Volume included in the series The Archaeological Heritage of Oman. Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Sultanate of Oman.
• D. Frenez and M. Vidale. La Civiltà dell’Indo. Universi urbani e microcosmi personali. Volume proposed for publication to Carocci editor.