
ڪرڻي جھڙو پَلُ

”امداد بنيادي طور رومانوي شاعر آهي. هن جي لفظ لفظ، سٽ سٽ، بند بند مان رومانيت جو هڳاءُ پيو اچي. سندس لهجو ٿڌو، ڌِيمو، ڇهندڙ ۽ سڌو (Direct) آهي. ائين جيئن ڄڻ ڪو ڳراٽڙي پائي پيو ڳالهائي. ڪن ۾ هوريان هوريان سُريلي سُس پس پيو ڪري. سندس وار سنواري، تڪي نهاري، پنهنجي مخصوص مُرڪ جي گهراين ۾ لڙڪ لڪائي، من ئي من ۾، ڪڏهن پنبڻن کي، ڪڏهن پيشانيءَ کي، ڪڏهن کاڏيءَ جي جرڪندڙ تِر کي، پنهنجن واراسيل تتل چپن سان پيو چمي. شاعري اها، جيڪا ذهن کي ته ڌوڏي، دهڪائي، لوڙهي، ولوڙي ڇڏي، پر سچ پڇو ته شاعري اها جيڪا خيال کي زندگي ڏئي، سونهن سوڀيا ۽ چنچلتا بخشي، نرم جسم ۽ گرم ساهن سان سينگاري، ائين اچي آڏو بيهاري، جو خود خلقڻهار ڪويءَ کان ڇرڪ نڪري وڃي.“
Title Cover of book ڪرڻي جھڙو پَلُ



But Sindh Shall Never Die!

It is impossible to categorize a great poet. All one can do is to count the blessings he bestows on the language and its literature. Like Ayaz, Imdad is not only a master craftsman, but a true representative of the dreams of ordinary Sindhi people. In a manner of speaking, he is a folk poet - a people’s poet, but his poetry's content and idiom is more sophisticated & richer. Imdad has given new meanings to numerous ordinary and plain words used in rural Sindh. His command of rural sensibilities has given to his poetry a richness rarely seen in his generation. While other Sindhi poets of his generation depend on themselves and are satisfied with their inner resources. Imdad looks to the experiences of life to furnish the material for his inspirations. His eager desire for knowledge, love, experience, suffering and above all his longing to see Sindh and its people to survive and surface from the ugly morass of present day Socio-Economic-Polity of Pakistan has made him a distinctive and remarkably lovable poet of Sindh, that is why in one of his poems "marni naahay Sindh", he says:
"Life is like unspunned thread
We- you and me- may die
But Sindh shall never die!"