سائنس، علم ۽ رسالا

ڪَڻي مان ڪيچَ

پروفيسر رشيده ڀٽي جو لکيل هي ڪتاب انتهائي ڪارائتو آهي. جيڪو عام ماڻهوءَ کي غذا جي فائدي ۽ علاج جي باري ۾ مڪمل ڄاڻ ڏيئي ٿو. قدرت جو ڪارخانو عجيب آهي. هتي شين جو پاڻ ۾ مضبوط لاڳاپو آهي. اُهي چاهي گڏوگڏ هلنديون هجن يا بنهه هڪٻئي جي اُبتڙ هجن. گرمين جون ڀاڄيون ۽ ميوا مزاج ۾ معتدل ۽ جسم ۾ پاڻي جي مقدار کي گهٽ ٿيڻ نه ٿا ڏين. ساڳيءَ ريت سياري ۾ پيدا ٿيندڙ غذا گرم ۽ جسم جي مدافعتي مزاج کي فعال بڻائي ٿي. ساڳي وقت موسمي اثر ۽ بيمارين کان بچائي ٿي. رشيده پنهنجي هن ڪتاب ۾ ڪافي حد تائين غذا متعلق انيڪ پهلو واضع ڪيا آهن.
Title Cover of book ڪَڻي مان ڪيچَ

تعليمي خاڪو

فون نمبر: 2771234-022-92 گهر نمبر: اَي-251، فيز-1
سنڌ يونيورسٽي امپلائيز
ڪو-آپريٽو هائوسنگ سوسائٽي ڄامشورو

رشيده ڀٽي

والد جو نالو مسٽر رحيم بخش شيخ
گهرواري جو نالو مسٽر محمد بخش ڀٽي
پيدائش جي تاريخ 23 اپريل 1953ع
جاءِ پيدائش سکر ضلعو، تعلقو روهڙي
سيڪس عورت
مذهب اسلام
ڊوميسائل سکر
نيشنلٽي پاڪستاني
ڳالهائي سگهجندڙ انگلش، اردو
مادري زبان سنڌي
اڪيڊميڪ ريڪارڊ
ڊگري انسٽيٽيوٽ جو نالو ڊويزن سال سبجيڪٽ
مئٽرڪ گورنمينٽ گرلس هاءِ اسڪول روهڙي سيڪنڊ ڊويزن 1968 سائنس گروپ
انٽرميڊيٽ گورنمينٽ گرلس ڪاليج سکر سيڪنڊ ڊويزن 1971 پري.ميڊيڪل
بي. ايس. سي سنڌ يونيورسٽي ڄامشورو سيڪنڊ ڊويزن 1973 بائيولاجي
ايم. ايس. سي سنڌ يونيورسٽي ڄامشورو فرسٽ ڊويزن 1975 زولاجي (فزيالاجي)
پي. ايڇ. ڊي سنڌ يونيورسٽي ڄامشورو هلندڙ

Topic for ph. D. Study of Hamatological parameters and prevalence of anemia in general population and pregnant woman of Hyderabad. Lower Sindh in focus.

Books published Dictionary of Hamatology, published in 2010 by Sindh language Authority Hyderabad.
Journal of practical Hamatology for students of B.S and M S Classes.
A Book published by naseem book dep: Meven and Bhaji san Elag ”ميون ۽ ڀاڄين سان علاج“

Awards Scholarship examination of 5th class.
Middle standard examination 1966, department of education,
Hyderabad Region, Hyderabad. Passed in second class.
Under the auspicious of the directorate of Education Hyderabad, Region, Hyderabad; Government of west Pakistan. Drawing Examination.
Successfully passed examination, Elementary grade in Year 1966.
Successfully passed examination, Intermediate grade 1967.
Attended the coaching training camp refresher course in sports held at sukkur; from 24-4-1970 to 30-4-1970 under the auspicious of the directorate of Education Hyderabad Region Hyderabad.
Extra Curriculum Activities
Essay Competition Organized by Islami-Jamiyat-eTalba. Held on 19 September 1966.
Drama Competition held at Govt. Girls High School Rohri in 1968, Stood First.
Stood first. Essay competition held in 1969-1970 at Govt. Girls College Sukkur. Standing First. First prize in Sindhi debate (1969-1970).
Presently I am member of anumant-e-bhabhood-e-Khawatein of Sindh University Residence Colony and SUECHS, Jamshoro.
Working as active member facilitating the information and service to the society members especially to the uneducated women's, holding the post of General Secretary.
Member of professional & Business Woman Association.

Hyderabad Region

Conferences, Seminars & Workshop Attended and certificate of participation present and appreciation received

1. Attended Seminar on Pakistan Asian Relations: Constraints and opportunities, 18th -19th, February 2004. Area Study Centre, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
2. International Women's day observed in the Institute of Women Development Studies and Department of Economics, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, “Status of Women in Islam”, held on 25th March, 2004.
3. International Conference on Human Security: Global and Regional Perspective. August 30-31, 2004 at Senate Hall, University of Sindh, Jamshoro.
4. Participated and attended the Seminar Reproductive Health Problems` Held on 08-03-2005. Organized by Institute of Women's Development Studies.` University of Sindh Jamshoro.
5. Work Shop on Gender and Governance, 26-27th December, 2002. Institute of women Development Studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro.
6. Executive member/member Hall management committee. Book fair, fun fair, Music programmer. From April 9-12,2002. In connection to Allma I. I. Kazi. Founders` Week celebrations,2002.
7. 1st National research conference 31st January-1st February, 2002. Organized by faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro.
8. Higher Education Commission, Successfully completed training course in Biochemistry. Held from August 4-9, 2003 at Institute of Biochemistry, University of Sindh, Jamshoro.
9. University Grants Commission, H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan. Training Cours in Electro analytical Techniques held at Centre of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry, University of sindh, Jamshoro. From August 7-12, 2000.
(1) Potentiometer (2) Condctamertery (3) Electrogravimetery
10. Micro computer training programmer held from 18th December to 30th December 1993, at Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Sindh, Jamshoro.
11. Department of microbiology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro. Attend first National Conference.
12. 9th P.P.S. International Biennial Conference held on April 2-3rd 2004 at Ayub Medical College, Abbot bad.
13. Attended first physiology symposium on “Innovating Physiology Teaching” on 29th May, 2004. Hosted by Pakistan Physiological Society Hyderabad Chapter and Isra University Hyderabad.
14. Hamdard College of Medicine and Dentistry. Hamdard University Hospital. Attended the IIIrd Annual Hamdard Symposium on “Advancing Technology and Health Care”, held at Hotel Marriott, Karachi on January 6-7, 2001.
15. M.A.H. Qadri, Biological Research Centre, University of Karachi, First Workshop on Microscopic Techniques, 1993 in M.A.H. Qadri Biological Research Centre.
16. Higher Education Commission, Training course in Latest Developments in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. Held from October 8-13, 2001 at UGC Regional Centre Lahore. The Course Completed were:
1) DNA Sequencing 2) Protein sequencing 3) Bio informatics
4) Cloning Strategy 5) DNA Enzymes 6) Transformation of crop plants
7) Forensic uses of DNA typing 8) Biogradation
17. Asia pacific Association of societies of pathologists Pakistan Association of pathologists participated in 6th Congress of Asia pacific Association Societies of pathologists 23rd Annual conference of Pakistan Association of pathologists 23rd Annual Conference of Pakistan Association of pathologists held at Karachi, Aga Khan University from November 25 to November 28, 1999.
18. The Aga Khan University, National Symposium, September 23-24, 2002. Poster Presentation on health care.
19. Pakistan Physiological Society, 9th Biennial International Conference of the PPS held on April 2-3, 2004 at Ayub Medical College, Abbot bad.
20. Participation in 1st Physiology Symposium on “ Innovating physiology Teaching” on 29th May, 2004. Hosted by Pakistan Physiological Society Hyderabad and Isra University Hyderabad.
21. 8th Biennial Conference of Pakistan Physiological Society, Held at Nishtar Medical College, Multan on March 11-12-2002.
22. 7th Biennial Conference, held from 3rd to 5th April 2000, Organized by Department of Physiology, University of Karachi under the auspices of Pakistan physiological Society.
23. 6th Biennial International Conference 1997. participated and presented Research paper in Scientific deliberation of 6th Biannual conference of Pakistan physiological Society, held at Bolan Medical College Quetta on 8th -9th October 1997.
24. 5th Biannual International Conference held on 18th -19th October, 1995 at ayub Medical College, Abbot bad, Pakistan.
25. 4th Biannual and Ist International Conference held at postgraduate Medical Institute on 21st – 23rd December, 1993 at Lahore.
26 Workshop on Molecular Biology and Infectious Diseases Attended the lectures and laboratory sessions conducted by the Aga Khan University, Karachi in Collaboration With Karolinska Institute, Sweden from September 21st to 25th, 1999.
27. Pakistan physiological Society. The Aga Khan International Union of Physiological Sciences. International Workshop. “Physiology Teaching in the Developing World models for quality learning”. The Aga Khan University, Karachi Pakistan, April 5-8, 1999.
28. Pakistan Physiological Society. Participated in the Scientific deliberation of Inaugural Convention of Pakistan physiological Society, held at the Aga khan University, faculty of Health Sciences, Medical College, Karachi on April 15-16, 1987.
29. Molecular Biology Workshop on Cardiovascular and pulmonary Disease at the Aga Khan University, Karachi, September 25 to 30th, 2000. Aga Khan University collaboration of Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
30. Workshop on Non-invasive ventilations, on September 26, 2000, at the Aga Khan University Karachi.
31. The Zoological Society of Pakistan participated and presented Research paper in the 25th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam, March 1-3, 2005.
32. The Zoological Society of Pakistan Participated and presented research paper in the 24th Pakistan congress of Zoology (International) March 30- April 1st 2004, at Allama Iqbal Opern University, Islamabad.
33. The Zoological Society of Pakistan participated and presented Research paper in the 23rd Pakistan Congress of Zoology. The University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, held on March 03-05, 2003.
34. The Zoological society of Pakistan participated and presented Research paper in the 22nd Pakistan congress of Zoology (International), University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, April 16-18, 2002.
35. The Zoological Society of Pakistan Participated and Research paper in the 21st Pakistan congress of Zoology (International), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, March 15- 17, 2001.
36. the Zoological Society of Pakistan Participated and presented Research paper in the 17th Pakistan congress of Zoology (International) University of Karachi, held on April 5-7, 1997.
37. The Zoological Society of Pakistan, Participated in the 13th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) University Grants Commission, Islamabad, held on March 31, 1993 to April Ist 1993.
38. Participated and presented a research paper in the 24th Pakistan congress of Zoology (International) at Islamabad at Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. On March 30 April, 2004.
39. Participated and presented a research paper (The effect of blood-groups age, sex, marital status ethnicity income on the prevalence of cancer in the patients visiting in various hospitals of Hyderabad (Sindh-Pakistan) in 25th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International); at Sindh agriculture University, Tando jam, Pakistan on March 1-3, 2005.
40. 1st SAARC Conference of physiological Societies & 11th Biennial Conference of Pakistan Physiological Society on “PHYSIOLOGY UPDATES” Trends, Opportunities & Challenges; at Shifa College Medicine, Islamabad- Pakistan on February 14-16, 2008 a
41. 29th Pakistan congress of Zoology (International); at University of Sindh, Jamshoro on February 24 to 26, 2009
42. 30th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International); at University of Agriculture Faisalabad march 2-4, 2010.
43. 31st Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International); at University of Azad Jamu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad march 1-3, 2011
44. 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International); at GC University Lahore March 2-4, 2012.