الطاف شيخ ڪارنر

نيوهالا کان نيويارڪ

مون 1968 کان 1972 تائين ڪيترائي جهاز آمريڪا جي اوڀر وارن بندرگاهن ، ڪئناڊا ۽ هيٺ ويسٽ انڊيز جي بندرگاهن ڪيوبا، ٽرنيڊاد ۽ جئميڪا کان برمودا، بهاما ۽ برازيل ۾ هلايا. اٽڪل 35 سالن بعد آئون وري انهن بندرگاهن ۾ ويس...پر هن ڀيري پاڻي واري جهاز بدران هوائي جهاز، ريل گاڏين ۽ بسين ڪارن ۾. هي ڪتاب انهي سفر جو احوال آهي.
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  • 4471
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Title Cover of book نيوهالا کان نيويارڪ

انٽرنيٽ تان ورتل

ڪجهه ڏينهن اڳ انٽرنيٽ تي هن تنظيم جي باني منور لغاريءَ جو تعارف (Profile) نظر مان گذريو، جيڪو پڙهندڙن جي دلچسپي لاءِ هوبهو ڏئي رهيو آهيان:

Munawar Laghari, Executive Director of the World Sindhi Institute (WSI) and International Representative of SINDH WATCH, a quarterly magazine published by WSI, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Mehran University of Jamshoro, Sindh. Born in 1964, he has spent most of his life advocating for human rights and humanitarian causes. In the process of his struggles, he scarified his academic career, family relations and ties to his land. As retribution for his advocacy work in Sindh in 1980s and 1990s. Pakistani forces held Laghari captive and tortured him. Due to threats of continuous persecution, Laghari escaped Sindh, leaving behind his parents, brother, cousins and friends, and sought asylum in the United States, where he has lived since 1994. Mr. Laghari is a founding member of the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition (TASSC). Laghari is also a member of the United Nation Association National Capital Area (UNA_NCA). On behalf of the World Sindhi Institute. Laghari received in 1999 Blue Ribbon Award Presented by UNA_NCA. In recognition of Laghari’s dedication and devotion to the cause of human rights, The Washington Times ran a story on him on June 26, 2000, the International Day for the support for Torture Victims. Mr Laghari has testified before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on the International Day in support of Torture Victims (1999). He has also testified before the subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs and the house committee on Appropriations (2000), as well as to the World Summit in Durban, South Africa (2001).